標題: X醫院SARS危機管理
X Hospital Crisis Management in SARS
作者: 張家慧
Chia-Hui Chang
Chi-Kuo Mao
Wen-Cheng Chang
關鍵字: SARS;危機管理;SARS;Crisis Management
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 廿一世紀初新興傳染疾病—嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)以迅雷不及掩耳之勢席捲全球,台灣亦無法倖免於難。其實危機的發生,並不是完全不可預測,此次的SARS疫情,最早於九十一年十一月由廣州爆發流行,其後經由香港散播到越南、新加坡與加拿大等地,然而國外的經驗及教訓,並未獲得台灣政府當局及各大醫療院所的警惕與重視。
The early 21st century newly developed contagious disease – the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,(SARS) rolled over the globe as sudden as lightning and Taiwan also could not escape this by sheer luck. In fact, the occurrence of this crisis is not incompletely predictable as the SARS epidemic situation burst out and became widespread in Quangzhou in November 2002. Thereafter, it was stretched to Vietnam, Singapore and Canada etc. from Hong Kong. However, the overseas experience and lesson were not vigilant and emphasized by the Taiwan government and various large hospitals.
From the first case of Taiwanese merchant Mr. Chin reported by the National Taiwan University Hospital in March 14, 2003 till the day before the sealing off of the Hoping Hospital in April 24, all together for the nine quarantined SARS patients in National Taiwan University Hospital, there was no news on case of death. Although the epidemic situation appeared calm on the surface, yet stealthily this disease silently spread out all over Taiwan. In April 20 in the same year, Taiwan convened the first global SARS International Symposium and boasted its excellent achievements of 「zero death, zero transfer out, zero community infection」. Until April 24 in the same year when Hoping Hospital had to seal off its hospital due to serious cross infection inside the hospital, the government and various large hospitals were alerted by the arrival of the crisis. Therefore, during the arrival of SARS epidemic situation, Taiwan had already lost its first opportunity to control the epidemic situation and to adopt related contingency measures. In addition, due to the furious development of the epidemic situation, it became irremediable.
For X Hospital, before the epidemic situation attacked Taiwan, the Infection Control Committee was responsible for the monitoring and mastering of the SARS epidemic situation. When the National Taiwan University reported the first SARS case, X Hospital immediately sent people to understand and to learn and actively planned related contingency measures in the defense against SARS. When X hospital received the first reported SARS patient, they already prepared related preparation measures. On the next day of the sealing off of the Hoping Hospital, the Head of X Hospital immediately instructed the senior doctor of the thoracic cavity department to be the chief executive to fight against SARS. Thereafter, following the increase and expansion of the epidemic situation, X Hospital immediately enhanced its crisis management level and expanded the crisis management team. In this battle against SARS, X hospital adopted considerable complete action and successfully took over SARS patients transferred from Hoping Hospital and National Taiwan University. Due to the professionalism and attention of X Hospital, the epidemic situation could be effectively controlled and would not spread to other hospital. Therefore, in the course of the battle against SARS, the hospital won the approval and affirmation from CDC in US, AIT, National Taiwan University Infection Control Team and National Prevention and Cure Battle Center Commander Professor Lee Ming-Liang and the head of Disease Control Bureau, Su Yi-Ren.
This research attempts to analyze and investigate on the course of SARS crisis management of X Hospital in this SARS case. In addition, through the result of in-depth interview with the crisis manager of X Hospital and from the three crisis management phases including the activity before the bursting of crisis, activity during the bursting of crisis and the activity after the crisis is solved and the communication activity under the crisis situation, an exploration is conducted so as to summarize the experience and lesson of fighting against SARS by X Hospital. Furthermore, aiming at the crisis management of X Hospital, suggestion is presented on how to keep on improving.