Title: 即時影像處理及其在自動導引車導航之應用
Authors: 許馥疇
Sheu, Fu-Chou
Song, Kai-Tai
Keywords: 即時影像處理;自動導引車
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 近年來,在自動導引車(Autonomous Mobile Robot)導航的研究上,影像感測器的使用已逐漸成為必然的趨勢。影像是一種二維的環境感測器,以接近人類視覺原理的方式將三維的環境空間投影在二維的平面上,因此由其中可以得到很相富的環境資訊。影導航是屬於動態的控制,因此由其中可以和到很豐富的環境資訊。影像導航是屬於動態的控制,因此強調即時性,屬於即時影像處理的應用範圍。若要進行影像導航的工作,必須先有一個能達到即時影像處理要求的影像感測裝置才行。本論文建立了一套快速的影像感測裝置,並藉由改善影像處理系統架構及增加一常用的分析功能於硬體中,以減少影像分析的時間,達到即時影像處理的要求。在所製作之影像感測裝置中,具備以下的功能:(1)即時影像邊緣偵測;(2)即時特性分佈轉換:(3)即時影像特性分佈統計;(4)平行匯流排結構,使影像資料的更新與處理為平行且獨立的進行;(5)自動I/O位址計算及預先資料抓取功能,提昇資料存取速度。除了個別功能之測試以外,本影像感則系統並與自動導引車整合,進行了追蹤導航的實驗,驗證了設計之目標。
In autonomous mobile robot navigation, the use of image sensory devices has the trend. CCD camera image sensor is analogous to the human eye that projects 3-D environment space to 2-D plane, so it can get many environment informations. Vision guidance of a mobile robot is a dynamic control problem, where real-time image processing is required. In this thesis, we developed a fast image sensory devices to fit the requirement of real-time image processing. We use improved hardware architecture and add some useful functions in the hardware to reaching the real-time properties. The following is the function and architecture of our image sensory device: (1) real-time edge detection function, (2) real-time histogram transformation function, (3) real-time histogram calculation function, (4) parallel bus architecture, so image data writing and processing can parallel and independent execution, (5) auto-I/O address calculation and data prefetch function, increasing the data access velocity. Experiments of tracking a moving target have been carried out in the laboratory using the developed image system on an experimental mobile robot.
Appears in Collections:Thesis