DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorMei-Hua Huangen_US
dc.contributor.authorProf. Quang-Hua Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract亞太維修中心是我國發展航太工業的重要目標之一,除了政策的支持外,亞太地區航空運輸量未來仍會高度成長,機隊成長快速將會使此區域的飛機維修市場呈現供不應求的現象。其次,隨著冷戰結束,全球航太產業的重心漸漸轉移到民航機,而各大航太製造商為了增加營收,紛紛跨入維修市場,為了避免重大的損失,採用風險分攤及策略聯盟的國際合作模式,因此對有意建立航太產業的開發中國家來說,現在正是難逢的良機。另外,我國地理位置處於國際主要航線的轉運點及亞太經濟發展最繁榮地區的中心樞紐,佔盡地利之便,再加上我國已具備成熟的製造業體系及相關維修產業。最後根據相關文獻的論述,來強調現今我國航空維修業發展重點與應著力的地方。 本研究以為,航空維修廠之發展趨勢至今,大方向仍朝此方向前進,同時國際化結果,國際大廠也紛紛投資國內廠家或進行策略聯盟;專業化方面,航空公司之維修廠因應效率提昇與競爭力之提高,也都朝專業化之獨立維修廠方向改革。綜觀亞太地區維修產業的設施能量及競爭力,中國大陸則有逐漸趕上之勢。本論文研究的動機為我國飛機改裝業進入中國大陸市場是一個未來市場發展趨勢,未來之進入策略和市場商機發展等議題。大陸近年來經濟快速地成長,也吸引各飛機改裝業加速搶進大陸市場,預計這將會對其本地飛機維修體系產生極大衝擊。因此,希望透過本研究,探討將來我國飛機改裝業赴大陸發展可能面臨的機會,以及可能遭遇的挑戰與風險,並作為我國政府決策之參考。 本篇論文針對目前在中國大陸市場進行投資經營的臺灣飛機改裝業進行問卷調查,以此蒐集國內企業執行中國大陸市場投資進入策略決策制訂之相關資料。並以所得之問卷填答資料進行分析,並與所蒐集之研究文獻資料做一綜合比對,以獲致客觀中肯的研究結果,並據以提出結論與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAsia-Pacific Maintenance Center is one of the key targets for Taiwan to develop aerospace industry. Firstly, in addition to government support, the expected fast growth of air transport in Asia-Pacific region will in turn speed up the expansion of air fleet and spur the high demand of aircraft maintenance. Secondly, with the end of cold war, global aerospace industry gradually shifts the focus to civil aircraft. Major aircraft manufacturers start to enter maintenance market to increase revenues, and they usually adopt risk-sharing and strategic alliance pattern to avoid heavy loss. So it is the best timing now for developing countries that intend to develop aerospace industry. Taiwan is located in the transit point of major air routes and the pivotal point of the most prosperous economies in Asia-Pacific region, with this geographical advantage, plus her mature manufacturing system and maintenance industry, Taiwan’s domestic aircraft conversion industry is well positioned to enter Mainland China market. Lastly, literature search is included to stress the development key points domestic aircraft maintenance industry should focus on. This research concludes that aircraft maintenance industry is developing along with this trend. Globalization also brings major players to invest in local companies or start strategic alliance with local companies. While major airlines are actively changing their repair stations into independent specialized maintenance provider to boost efficiency and competitiveness, Mainland China is catching up in this trend. This research studies the entry strategy and business development issues of domestic aircraft conversion industry in Mainland China market. With fast economic growth, China is attracting aircraft conversion companies to her market, which is expected to have great impact on her local aircraft maintenance system. This research hopes to study the opportunities, challenges and risks domestic aircraft conversion industry may face when entering into China and hopes to present the research results as a reference for government policy-making. This research has surveyed by questionnaire from Taiwan’s aircraft conversion companies now active in China to collect the data about their entry strategy and investment decision. The data are analyzed and compared with the data from literature search to reach an objective result. Conclusion and suggestions are made based on that result.en_US
dc.subjectaircraft maintenanceen_US
dc.subjectaircraft conversionen_US
dc.subjectentry patternen_US
dc.titleResearch on the Entry of Taiwan’s Aircraft Conversion Industry into Mainland China Marketen_US