Title: 細胞生長速率對大腸桿菌 DNA 超螺旋結構影響之研究
The Effect of Cell Growth Rate on DNA Supercoiling in Escherichia coli
Authors: 蔡孟峰
Tsai, Meng-Feng
Ching-Ping Tseng
Keywords: 生長速率;DNA 超螺旋結構;大腸桿菌;growth rate;DNA supercoiling;Escherichia coli
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 細胞生長速率對於許多的基因表現具有重要的調控功能。本實驗證明
lac 及 gyrA 這兩個基因受 DNA 超螺旋結構所調控的基因,同樣也會受
發現, 菌體培養在養分充足之培養基時,生長速率增快 lacZ 基因表現
降低,而 gyrA 基因表現增加。反之大腸桿菌若培養在養分較差之培養基
時,生長速率變得遲緩。lacZ 基因表現量增加而 gyrA 基因表現降低。
利用化學恆定連續式培養法( chemostst culture )進一步證實 lacZ 及
gyrA 基因表現確實是受生長速率所調控。並且發現這兩個基因的表現與
生長速率之間存在有線性關係。此外我們利用大腸桿菌 topA10 的突變株
及加入 gyrase B 的抑制劑 novobiocin 使大腸桿菌細胞內 DNA 超螺旋
結構發生改變, 以研究生長速率與 DNA 超螺旋結構之間的關係.不論是
變或抑制劑使細胞內 DNA 超螺旋結構發生不正常的改變會影響生長速率
與基因表現的關係。在大腸桿菌 topA10 的突變株的實驗中。可觀察到在
低的生長速率下 lacZ 基因表現已不受生長速率所調控而維持在一個穩定
的狀態,但在高生長速率下 lacZ 基因表現仍受細胞生長速率影響而具線
性關係。 在加入 novobiocin 抑制劑的實驗中則發現在較高的生長速率
下 lacZ基因已不受生長速率所調控。由上述結果可知生長速率與 DNA 超
螺旋結構之間必定存在某些關係。進一步利用菌體內質體 pBR322 直接觀
察不同生長速率下其 DNA 超螺旋結構之改變,發現生長速率越快 DNA 超
螺旋結構越鬆散.此結果與 lacZ 及 gyrA 基因表現的結果相符合。因此
速率可經由 DNA 超螺旋結構的改變,進而調控許多基因的表現。
We determined the plasmid pBR322 superhelicity at different
cell growth rate in Escherichia coli and found that DNA
supercoiling was growth rate depedent. The DNA supercoiling of
plasmid pBR322 was more negitive when the cell growth rate
increassed. Since the expression of lac promoter increased with
increasing superhelical density and gyrA promoter was a
reciprocalresponse to changes in superhelical density;
therefore, we also examined theexpression of lac and gyrA
promoters during expontial growth of Escherichia coli on
different medium and at different growth rate in chemostat
cultures.The expression of lac promoter decreased monotonically
with increasing cell growth rate, gyrA promoter expression
showed a reciprocal response. When theDNA supercoiling was
perturbed by topA10 mutant or gyrA inhibitor novobiocin,the
effect of cell growth rate on lacZ operon expression pattern was
changed.In the topA10 mutant, the lacZ operon expression did not
regulate by cell growth rate when the specific growth rate was
lower than 0.72 1/hr. If mediumcontained 25 ug/ml novobiocin and
the specific growth rate is higher than 0.61/hr, the lac
promoter expression became growth rate independent. Thus,
changesin cell growth rate affected the DNA supercoiling of
Escherichia coli as well as the growth rate depent genes, lacZ
and gyrA, expression.
Appears in Collections:Thesis