Title: | P2P軟體對著作權之侵害問題研究 The Study of the Impact on Copyright Infringement of P2P Software |
Authors: | 趙雯蕙 Wen-Hui Chao 王明禮 Ming-Li Wang 科技法律研究所 |
Keywords: | P2P;著作權;輔助侵權;代位侵權;ezPeer;P2P;copyright;contributory infringement;vicarious infringement;ezPeer |
Issue Date: | 2004 |
Abstract: | P2P是Peer-to-Peer之簡稱,是一種分散式的網路技術,讓兩台以上的電腦間,可以彼此直接分享對方的電腦資源。人們透過P2P軟體從網路上免費下載各式檔案,但這樣的行為不但侵害到著作權人的財產利益,亦違反了著作權法之規定。雖然侵權行為的主體是P2P軟體使用者而非P2P服務提供者□以下簡稱P2P業者□,但著作權人認為P2P業者同樣負有侵害著作權之責任,因此對P2P業者提起一系列的訴訟,以捍衛自身的權益。在眾所矚目的Grokster案中,美國最高法院表示當P2P業者明顯引誘或積極鼓勵P2P軟體使用者去侵害他人著作權時,必須對P2P軟體使用者的侵權行為負責;但是類似的案件在台灣,被告卻獲得無罪之宣判。 爲解決P2P所引起的著作權侵害問題,本研究認為必須制定法令拘束P2P業者之行為。雖然反對者認為立法管制有時而窮,甚至會帶來其他負面之影響;然而若不借助國家之力量,並無法有效改善網路中的盜版問題。惟在管制P2P業者以保障著作權之同時,也應思考如何兼顧社會大眾之權益,試圖從不同的權利訴求中尋找一平衡點,才能有效解決網路上利用P2P軟體從事非法下載行為之問題。 最後本研究提出三項建議,分別是「對P2P業者之規範」、「建立著作權登記制度」以及「給著作權人之建議」。在「對P2P業者之規範」方面,於科技中立原則下,嘗試定義P2P業者侵害著作權之構成要件,對於違法者之懲罰,建議以民事為主刑事為輔。在「建立著作權登記制度」方面,建議仿效美國的the Public Domain Enhancement Act,要求著作權人在著作發表屆滿五十年後,必須向國家提出註冊,並支付一定的費用,才可使該著作在未來的二十年中繼續受到著作權法之保護。在「給著作權人之建議」方面,則建議其妥善運用網路科技、在校園中推行合法下載服務,以及提高商品附加價值,化危機為商機,以合法的方式與盜版競爭,才可以壓縮盜版的空間。 P2P is a decentralized internet technology; it’s a kind of medium to let computers to share their resources directly. People can use P2P software to download any kinds of files from internet freely. But people doing this not only infringe copyright holders’ benefit but also break the law. Although copyright infringers are P2P users not P2P service providers, copyright holders still ask P2P service providers to be responsible for the infringing activities. Thus, copyright holders sue P2P service providers and claim for damage recovery. In MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., the Supreme Court said “one who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties”. While in Taiwan, the judge said that the P2P service provider is not guilty. To solve the copyright infringement problem caused by P2P, this article suggests that we should make law to regulate P2P service providers. Although some people think law can not do everything and sometimes law might cause bad side-effects. However, we can not improve the copyright infringement problem without government’s involvement. While thinking how to protect copyright by demanding P2P service providers to follow some directions, we have to keep it in mind that we have to benefit all people in our society. Then, we can find a better solution to solve this problem. At the end, this study tries to make three suggestions. First, if the P2P service providers are qualified with the staple articles’ requests, this study tries to define in what circumstances; P2P service providers should be responsible for the copyright infringing result. If they break the law, they should be punished by civil action. Only in special cases they should be punished by criminal law. Second, this study suggests that we can make a law like the Public Domain Enhancement Act. If the copyright holders want to continue their copyrights, they have to register and pay for it. Third, this article suggests that copyright holders can take some strategies to overcome the copyright infringement problems. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/60078 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |