Title: 公路車輛起迄抽樣調查與不完整資料處理之研究
The Study of Origin-Destination Sampling Survey in Highway and Incomplete Data Analysis
Authors: 李霞
Lee, Hsia
Hsun-Jung Cho
Keywords: 車輛牌照登錄法;系統抽樣;不完整資料;vehicle-license-mount method;system sampling;incomplete data
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 運輸規劃中,交通起迄流量是基本之資料。交通起迄流量調查方法有很多
當的小,會因此產生不完整資料(incomplete data) 的問題。因此,本文
將討論如何補足缺失值(missing data)之問題,並構建一不須任何型態分
訊處理、抽樣分析及模式優劣評估指標的建立。 從本文之測試結果顯示
In transportation planning, the origin-destination trip flow is
the most basic data. There are many kinds of methods to
investigate origin-destination trip flow, including home
interview surveys and road-side interview surveys and so on. For
an open network, one of the most useful method is vehicle-
license-mount method. Howevre, it is not easy to progress
investigating population when the traffic is heavy. This is why
sampling is useful. There is only a small portion of useful
information obtained in O-D survey after matching the small
sampling data. So, it often turns out incomplete data. This
research will build a model that does not need any distribution,
discuss how to supplement the incomplete data, analyze the
imputed data set and explore the extension of the samples to
represent the population. The content of this paper includes
treatment of incomplete data, sampling analysis and setting up
an index to test the model. The results show that the pattern of
sampling data is similar to that of populations. Therefore, we
can gather the data by system sampling, match the data to get O-
D information and impute the incomplete data if necessary,
amplify the complete table to estimate the population O-D table.
This process is easy to implement and cost can be lowered.
Appears in Collections:Thesis