標題: 雷射濺鍍含硒化鋅量子點玻璃薄膜
Laser Deposition ZnSe Quantum dot Glass Thin Film
作者: 林鴻源
Lin, Hung-Yuan
Wen-Feng Hsieh
關鍵字: 量子點玻璃;X-光繞射光譜;拉曼光譜;穿透光譜;Quantum dot glasses;XRD;Raman spectra;Transmission spectra]
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本實驗室使用 Q-開關 Nd:YAG 光波長 1.064 m 脈衝雷射, 將溶膠凝膠
法製成的硒化鋅量子點玻璃靶材, 濺鍍於矽晶片或鈉玻璃上。經由掃描式
電子顯微鏡的觀測看出樣品表面生長情況, 以確定濺鍍之條件並估計出微
晶顆粒大小約 200 。且經由改變濺鍍條件促使薄膜之結晶, 並由 X-ray
繞射分析確定其結晶為 H(002) 或C(111) 晶相, 同時由其峰值半高寬得
知顆粒大小與SEM之觀測相符。 拉曼光譜分析以確定硒化鋅之鍵結, 且其
譜分析獲得硒化鋅之能隙有藍位移現象, 其結果符合量子侷限效應之預測

ZnSe doped glasses thin films were deposited on silicon and
substrate by using of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, and the targert
were prepared by sol-gel methed of colloid chemical technique.
From the SEM, we can realize the fine structure of the ZnSe thin
film surface and estimate the grain size about 200 A. By
changing the deposition condition, we obtain a single
crystallite of ZnSe thin film which is identified to be H(002)
or C(111) by XRD, and the grain sizecaculation through Half
Maximum of XRD peak tch the result of SEM. In the Raman spetra,
we make sure the ZnSe bond, and the peak show that the phonon
frequency shift to lower side for grain size becaming smaller.
The energy gap of ZnSe film is acquired by the Transmission
spectra has the phenomonon of blue shift, and this result is
corresponding with the prediction of Quantum dot effect.