Title: 介層對鑽石膜刀具機械性質改善之研究
Study of Interlayers to Mechanicam Properties Improvement of Diamond-Coaded Cutting Tools
Authors: 張瑞銘
Chang, Ruey-Ming
Kuo Cheng-Tzu
Keywords: 鑽石膜;中間介層;殘留應力;附著性;應力緩衝層;顆粒型複合鍍層;Diamond Film;Interlayer;Residual Stress;Adhesion;Stress Relief Layer;Partical Composite Layer
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本實驗利用微波電漿化學氣相沈積法,以甲烷和氫氣做為反應氣體,
使用燒結碳化鎢WC-Co(3~5% Co)刀具為底材,加入不同材質的中間介層,
性;殘留應力以Raman 偏移法及X-Ray的LIBAD法量測;並採用Rockwell壓
則有助於改善與底材的附著性,並間接提高鑽石成核密度。 採用Ti-
~35000( 範圍內約為 -2.660~-3.070 GPa,比只經過去鈷處理但無中間層
處理的鑽石膜殘留髭N□-4.487 GPa減小了許多,充分發揮了應力緩衝層
的作用。附著性方面,無中間層處理之鑽石膜的dP/dx值為78.3 Kgf/mm,
有Ti-Si中間層處理的鑽石膜則提昇至 119.4 ~ 262.3 Kgf/mm,實驗結果
。 利用Ti-Si介層配合二次鑽石沉積的"鑽石顆粒型複合鍍層",第一
顆粒間的空隙,緊緊抓住鑽石顆粒,扮演金屬黏結劑(Metal Binder)的角
色,附著性dP/dx值明顯地提高至268.2 ~ 1073.1 Kgf/mm。 本實驗
Diamond films were deposited on the sintered WC-Co (3~5%Co)
substrates by means of microwave plasma chemical vapor
deposition (MPCVD) method, using a mixture of CH4/H2 as the
reactant gases. The WC-Co subtrates were precoated with various
interlayer materials before diamond deposition. Effects of
interlayers on growth, residual stress and adhesion of diamond
films were investigated. The films and interlayers were
characterized by SEM, XRD, RAMAN, EDS and AES. The residual
stress was estimated by Raman shifand X-ray diffraction (LIBAD)
methods. The Rockwell indentation tests were used to evaluate
the adhesion property of diamond films.
For Ni and Ni-Si interlayers , the results indicate that they
are detrimental to diamond nucleation due to alloying effect of
Ni with C and catalytic effect of Ni on graphite formation. For
armorphous Si interlayers, it is revealed that the bonding
between Si and WC-Co substrate is poor. But after heat treatment
at 950℃ before diamond deposition, the bonding of Si and the
nucleation density of diamond crystals are increased.
In terms of diamond nucleation and growth, the Ti-Si interlayers
show a great increase in nucleation density and diamond quality.
The Si interlayer acts to increase the diamond nucleation and
the Ti interlayer acts to form strong bonding. Also there are no
significant differences in films morphologies for Ti thickness
between 1000~35000 (. By comparing the effect of interlayer on
residual stress of the films, it is compressive in nature, and
from -4.49 to -4.14 GPa for the substrates without interlayer,
anfrom -3.07 to -2.66 GPa for the substrates with Ti-Si
interlayer. The results also show that there exists a range of
Ti thickness for a minimum stress. As for adhesion of the films,
the values of the adhesion index, dP/dx are ranging from 119.4
to 262.3 Kgf/mm for the substrates with Ti-Si interlayers, and
are about 78.3 Kgf/mm for the substrates without interlayer. The
results also reveal that there exists a range of Ti thickness
for a best adhesion of the films.
As for the deposition process, the dual diamond deposition
processes matching with Ti-Si interlayer application are found
to have a tremendous improvement in adhesion of the films. The
values of dP/dx are ranging from 268.2 to 1073.1 Kgf/mm. At a Ti
thickness of 28000( and area coverage of diamond crystals after
the first diamond deposition process of 50~60%, it has the
greatest adhesion. The results indicate that an improvement in
adhesion in this case may be due to the facts that Ti metal is a
good bindefor diamond, and also result in a great decrease in
voids at the interface.
Effects of heat treatments of the interlayers before diamond
deposition on ad Adhesion of diamond films were also
investigated. The results show a significiant improvement in
bonding. This is in agreement with the results of interface
analysis that Ti atoms react with C in both WC and diamond to
form a strong bonding of TiC.
Appears in Collections:Thesis