Title: 交流感應馬達位置伺服系統之研製
Design and Implementation of the Position of the Position servo System in an AC Induction Motor
Authors: 林建璋
Lin, Chein-Chang
Tang Pei-Chong
Keywords: 感應馬達;Induction Motor
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本論文以個人電腦為基礎,搭配『分散式即時控制網路』架構,並
採用視窗(Windows)環境下執行的 "fPLC" 發展系統,發展出一套非
常具有彈性的PC-based CNC控制器來控制感應馬達之位置控制。由於同
本論文先探討感應馬達之磁場向量式間接前授控制架構,然後再衍 生出
模組式馬達控制的觀念,達到控制泛用型馬達的目的。在伺服系統 設計
中,我們將參考日本FANUC公司的控制器設計理念,將其獨特的控 制技
術,應用在本系統中,做出一個性能可與之媲美的控制器。例如速 度控
制器上我們可以採用P-I型或I-P型控制器,為了抑制振動,我們可 以採
用速度估測器或轉矩濾波器,為了提高控制精度,我們可以採用加 減速
實驗是以一顆0.4KW,日本NIKKI的鼠籠式交流感應馬達來進行,實 驗與
模擬結果具有相當的一致性,表示模型建立的正確性,且所設計之 補償
Focus of this dissertation is on the development of a PC-
based CNC controller that can control the position in an
AC induction motor. It is developed under the PC
environment with network-based real-time control
structure and the real-time control system development package
"fPLC" (a windows application). Because the synchronous network
is involved, the design of PLC and servo driver can be
totally digitized and modularized.
At first, we discuss the operation principle of field
orientation and the indirect feed-forward field
orientation of induction motor, and then develope the
idea of module motor to achieve the goal controlling general
motor.In the design of servo system, we refer the controller
design concept of FANUC(Japan). Using his special control
technique in this system to build our controller which has
equivalent performance. For example, we adapt the P-I type or
I-P type controller in the speed controller. For the sake
of inhibiting vibration, the speed observer and the torque
filter are used. Again we adapt filter and feed-forward
compensator to increase the accuracy.
We use a 0.4KW NIKKI ac induction motor to complete experiment.
Simulation and experimental results are consistence. This means
that the established model is exactly light, and the
compensator we designed achieves the predictive effect.
Appears in Collections:Thesis