Title: 在行動環境下以行動支援主機為主的多點因果遞送演算法
A Mobile-Support-Station-Based Causal Multicast Algorithm in Mobile Computing Environment
Authors: 李照平
Li, Chao-Ping
Huang Ting-Lu
Keywords: 多點因果遞送;因果遞送;行動計算;causal multicast;causal delivery;mobile computing
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 在行動計算環境 (Mobile computing environment)下發展應用軟體是一
(Mobile support station, MSS),它可以透過無線電波直接與行動主機
(Mobile host, MH)通訊。相對於傳統的分散式系統,行動主機面臨了一些
新的限制: 較小的無線網路頻寬,有限的電源供應以及較低的計算能力。
對於許多的分散式軟體而言,多點因果遞送 (Causal multicast)是非常重
(channel)其訊息傳遞是依序的 (FIFO),因此,維持行動支援主機間的因果
擔 (overhead)。我們的論文利用前述的想法,提出了以行動支援主機為主
處理主機連線/斷線(connection/ disconnection)的問題,因此它適合行
There is a growing trend in developing applications in
mobilecomputingenvironment. In this environment, thestatic
network is augmented with mobile support stations(MSSs)that
couldcommunicate directly with the mobile hosts(MHs) via
wireless media. Compared to the traditional distributed system,
a mobile hosts in the systemfaces a new set of constraints: low
bandwidth of wireless links, tightconstraints on power
consumption and a significantly lower computing power. Causal
multicast is required for several distributed applications.In
mobilecomputing environment, to meet the constraints, each MSS
acts as a proxy forits local MHs. We assume the wireless channel
between an MSS and its local MHs is FIFO. Thus, maintaining
causal ordering among MSSs alsomaintains causal ordering among
MHs. Message space overhead canthus be reduced greatly. In this
thesis, we presented an MSS-basedalgorithmthat uses this
knowledge to enforce causal ordering among MHs. This
algorithmalso handles dynamically changing groups. Message space
overheadis not only small but is also independent of the number
of mobile hosts.We claim that ouralgorithm is scalable and can
handle it connections/disconnectionseasily. Hence,it is suitable
for mobile computing environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis