DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorJun-Hao Tsengen_US
dc.contributor.authorJim-Jiunde Leeen_US
dc.description.abstract在電腦繪圖科技的不斷進步之下,3D (three-dimensional) 虛擬實境的技術已經從過去的實驗室漸漸普及到電玩遊戲。在影響遊戲玩家進行3D電玩遊戲表現的各個因素當中,「尋路行為」是一個非常重要的影響元素,因此本研究試圖瞭解當玩家在進行3D電玩遊戲時的尋路行為時,個人空間能力、遊戲視角以及情緒喚起是如何影響其內在認知資源分配,進而影響其尋路行為的決策與結果。 本研究採用資訊處理理論當中容量有限論 (Limited Capacity Theory) 的觀點,並透過放聲思考法 (Think Aloud) 進行資料的收集與分析。整個研究過程分為三個階段。研究者首先透過空間能力將受測者進行分組,並將其隨機分配至第一人稱以及第三人稱視角組,每組均包含了高空間能力以及低空間能力的受測者。在實驗任務進行的途中,受測者的認知資源是如何分配在定位、評價、推敲、強記四個資訊處理類目當中是研究者最主要觀察的部分。並且,受測者在進行3D電玩尋路行為時的情緒喚起程度亦是被考量的影響因素。 研究結果顯示,1.高空間能力者在3D遊戲環境當中進行尋路行為時,其情緒喚起程度並不受視角差異所影響,但其認知資源分配在「正向評價」此資訊處理類目上具有顯著性的差異;2.低空間能力者在以第一人稱視角進行尋路行為時,其情緒喚起程度最高,而越高的情緒喚起程度,對於低空間能力者而言,會將較多的認知資源分配在「迷失定位」上,同時,對於遊戲中環境以及設定的不滿,亦會由於情緒喚起程度的升高而增加;3.除此之外,本研究亦發現,由於第三人稱視角的視野範圍較廣,因此對於受測者觀察指向標示具有正面的影響;4.即便3D電玩遊戲採用第三人稱視角設計虛擬環境空間,設計者仍必須考量其他影響因素,例如:指向系統的明確程度、操控的難易度等,才得以讓低空間能力者得以順利在3D遊戲環境中進行探索;最後,除了在設計上考量擬真、漂亮、寫實之外,對於如何輔助高情緒喚起的操控者如何不因分心而無法找到其所想要找的目的地,亦是必須詳加評估的部分。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe three-dimensional (3D) virtual-reality technology has showed its tremendous influence in computer game design. Among the factors affecting game players, “wayfinding” is one of the fundamental issues regarding players’ performances. This thesis aimed to understand how individual spatial ability, game viewpoint, and emotion response impacted players’ cognitive operations of the resource distribution during their wayfinding processes in a 3D computer game. By applying limited capacity theory and “Think Aloud” method, this study conducted a three-stage experiment. The researcher first classified subjects according to their spatial abilities (High / Low) and randomly assigned subjects into two groups: 1st person viewpoint group and 3rd person viewpoint group. Each group contained equal numbers of high / low-spatial-ability subjects. Subjects’ operations of cognition resource distribution (Orientation, Evaluation, Elaboration, Maintenance) were observed and measured. Also, the influence of emotional factor (arousal) was counted during the process. The results of this study showed, first, a high-spatial-ability player’s arousal emotion is rarely affected by the applications of different viewpoints. However, his / her “positive evaluation” category showed significantly difference comparing with other categories operating in the cognition resource distribution process. Second, a low-spatial-ability player with the 1st person viewpoint resulted the highest arousal emotion. In addition, it appeared that the higher arousal emotion, the low-spatial-ability player would have to spend more cognition resource on the “orientation” operation and dissatisfaction feelings about the game environment would arise too. Third, the wider view range of the 3rd person viewpoint helped players (either high or low spatial ability) positively when they had to refer the direction signs for wayfinding tasks. Fourth, even a 3rd person viewpoint is useful for 3D game players, it was suggested that designers should collectively considering other factors such as the conspicuous level of direction signs and the degree of difficulty of control, for low-spatial-ability players to conduct effortless wayfinding in a desktop 3D environment. Finally, although the reality and aesthetic designs are the decisive approaches to attract 3D game players, they might kindle highly arousal emotion and cause distraction problems, thus should be taken into account for future studies.en_US
dc.subjectArousal emotionen_US
dc.subjectThink Alouden_US
dc.subjectLimited Capacity Theoryen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of Spatial Ability, Viewpoint and Emotional Factors for the Player' s Cognitive Resource Distribution during Wayfinding in 3D Computer Gameen_US


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