Title: 複雜環境之碰撞偵測
Collision Detection for Complex Environments
Authors: 羅金仁
Lo, Chin-Ran
Jung-Hong Chuang
Keywords: 碰撞偵測;Collision Detection
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 複雜環境之碰撞偵測
學生 : 羅金仁 指導教授 : 莊榮宏 博士
摘 要
在模擬真實世界 的系統中時,系統必需能夠偵測出來並且修正這兩個物
體的移動方向以防止一個物體的表 面刺穿另一個物體。當系統中物體的
表面不規則時,偵測碰撞、計算碰撞點及碰撞時間會 變得非常困難而且
出碰撞點及碰撞 時間的方法。作法上我們將利用不同的觀點設計三個過
濾器來當作計算真正碰撞點、碰撞 時間的前置處理。透過這些過濾器能
很快濾除不必要的計算來增快速度。通過這三個過濾 器的物體表面代表
現過濾器過濾效 果與預期結果接近,執行速度亦佳。計算真正碰撞點與
碰撞時間卻是執行速度的瓶頸所在 。我們亦將提出一個加速計算的方法

Collision Detection for Complex Environments
Student : Chin-Ran Lo Advisor : Dr. Jung-Hong Chuang
Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Chiao-Tung University
When more than two objects move in 3D space, one may collide
with another. In a virtual reality or visual simulation system,
this system has to detect the collision and modify the
movement of the objects in order to prevent them from
interpenetration. When the objects in this system are not
regular, collision detection is a time-consuming process.
In this thesis, we consider the collision detection for rigid
objects represented in trianglular meshes whose moving
direction and rotation angle need not to be known in advance. We
propose three filters to filter out pairs of objects and
triangles that are impossible to collide and, as a result,
leaves only triangles that are likely to collide with each
other. We also propose a method to compute the exact
colliding time and point between two sets of moving triangular
modeles. The proposed filtering processes perform very well
in practical models with little computing time. Computing the
exact colliding time and point is, however, time comsuming.
Methods that speed up the process are also described.
Appears in Collections:Thesis