Title: 標誌環上最佳化之 k 容錯網路設計
Optimal k-Fault-Tolerant Networks for Token Rings
Authors: 洪維駿
Hung, Wei-Jiunn
徐力行, 宋定懿
Li-Hsing Hsu, Ting-Yi Sung
Keywords: 標誌環;容錯;網路;平行處理;分散式系統;最佳化;Token Rings;Fault Tolerance;Network;Parallel Processing;Distributed System;Otimal
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 多處理機的容錯設計已經被廣泛的應用在線上交易處理, 以及可靠度較
低的大型平行處 理系統. 多處理機系統的容錯設計主要有兩方面, 一是
處理機的容錯設計,一是連接線的容錯設計. 在不同網路架構上, 前人的
研究大都只考慮到處理機的容錯設計, 或只考慮到連接線的容錯設計方
面. 在本篇論文中, 我們則討論在 token rings 上, 處理機與連接線可
同時發生錯誤的容錯設計. 其中 "k faults" 表示處理機與連接線共有 k
個錯誤發生. 在 token ring 中設計一個最佳化的 k 容錯網路, 就等於
建造一個 k-hamiltonian圖形, 其中 k 是一個正整數, 對應著錯誤發生
的個數. 一個圖形 G 是 k-hamiltonian 圖形, 若 G-V'-E' 是一個
hamiltonian 圖形, 其中 V' 屬於 V , E' 屬於 E 且 V'+ E' <= k. 一
個有 n 個頂點的 k-hamiltonian 圖形是最佳的, 若這個 k-hamiltonian
圖形含有最少邊. 在本篇論文中, 我們建造出當 k=2,3 的時候, 最佳化
的 k-hamiltonian 圖形; 那也就是在 token rings 上的最佳化的 k 容
Fault-tolerant multiprocessors are widely used in on-line
transactionprocessing. Fault tolerance is also desirable in
massive parallel systemsthat have a relatively high failure
probability. Two types of failures in amultiprocessor system are
of interest, processor failures and link failures.Most of
previous research in designing optimal fault-tolerant topologies
wascincentrated on the cases that only processor failures were
allowed, or the cases that only link failures were allowed. In
this paper, we discuss the caseof a combination of processor
failures and link failures for token rings. By"k faults" we mean
k-component faults in any combination of processor faultsand
link faults. Designing an optimal k-fault-tolerant network for
token rings is equivalent to constructuring an optimal k-
hamiltonian graph, where k is a postive integer and corresponds
to the number of faults. A graph G is k-hamiltonian if G-V'-E'
is hamiltonian for any sets V' in V and E' in E withV'+E'<= k.
An n-node k-hamiltonian graph is optimal if it contains the
leastnumber of edges among all n-node k-hamiltonian graphs. In
this paper, we are going to construct optimal k-hamiltonian
graphs with k=2 and 3, which are optimal k-fault-tolerant
networks with respect to token rings.
Appears in Collections:Thesis