Title: 分散式線上CICS COBOL 異動程式產生器--CSPGen
Distributed Online CICS COBOL Transaction Program Generator-- CSPGen
Authors: 蔡一明
TSAI, I-Ming
Yuan Shyan-Ming
Keywords: 主從架構;異動;切割最佳化;CICS;COBOL;Transaction;Client-Server
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 電腦進展從單一主機系統發展為分散式系統有許多優點, 例如可以分
享豐富的網路資源, 較高的可靠度及分散資料到更適切的地點等等. 然而
目前社會上仍有許多公司機構的應用系統仍為傳統的 COBOL 語言所撰
寫, 而且採用 IBM 電腦產品的客戶更有為數眾多CICS 上 的應用系統,
其許多應用系統已沿用多年, 若想更改或重寫成主從架構的型態其間存在
本篇論文即針對此一問題提出一個半自動的工具, 能將原來Online CICS
COBOL 程式轉換成主從架構模式的程式組, 此一工具我們稱之為 "
CSPGen " . CSPGen 提供了一個非常友善, 方
便上手的使用者界面, 使用者即使不懂得主從架構模式也能透過這使用者
界面, 方便的將一套以循序架構撰寫的 Online CICS COBOL 程式轉換成
The trend of computer development is from a centralized
system to a distributed system.There are many benefits from
this development,such as getting better price / performance
ratio,higher reliability,sharing devices, ..etc.But many
companys' application systems are still written by traditional
COBOL language and many IBM customers use CICS to develop
application system.And there are many difficulty and paradox if
they want to change or rewrite the application fit the new
client-server environment. This
thesis points out the problem and submits a half-automatic tools
to solve the problem.It can change online CICS COBOL transaction
programs to client - server model programs, and we call it
"CSPGen".It provides a friendlyand convenient interface. With
it's help,the programers of centralizd systemscan design and
develop their distributed client-server programs very easily.
Appears in Collections:Thesis