標題: 應用不同位能場模型於路徑規劃之研究
Research on Path Planning Using Different Potential Field Models
作者: 楊垂耀
Yang, Chuei-Yaw
Chuang Jen-Hui
關鍵字: 路徑規劃;位能場;避碰;path planning;potential field;collision avoidance
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 路徑規劃之目的是在於讓行進物體在自由空間中,由起點一直行進到 終點且不與障礙物發生任何的碰撞。本篇論文即是探討位能場模型應用於 路徑規劃上之研究。在論文中,我們假設障礙物是靜止的,而移動物體則 為一剛體,並且利用位能場的觀念來達到避碰。在過去的研究中,是利用 牛頓位能場函數來代表多邊形物體與障礙物,這些多邊形是由線段所組成 ,並且帶有均勻電荷。而且在先前的研究中也將此一電荷分佈推展到線性 分佈及二次分佈,並且也驗證了相關的運算式都可以用封閉式來表示。在 一般路徑規劃中,最容易發生碰撞的地方是路徑中最狹窄的部份稱之為『 瓶頸』。在本篇論文中,即是利用位能場模型在瓶頸附近做規劃,以利行 進物體可以順利通過瓶頸。除了基本的均勻,線性及二次分佈之外,我們 也將混合上述三種電荷分怖於障礙物上,藉此改變行進物體的行進路線, 以達到不止是避碰,同時也更能循較為安全的路徑通過。 The purpose of path planning is to move a robot from start positionto destination with no collision with any obstacles. In this thesis, weassume that obstacles are stationary and the robot is rigid. We willconsider planning a robot path among obstacles using the concept potentialfield to achieve collision avoidance. In the previous research, Newtonianpotential models are used wherein edges of robot and obstacles are assumedto be uniformly charged. The potential functions are also expanded toinclude linear and quadratic charge distributions in the prvious research.It is shown that potential functions can be represented in close forms.In general path planning, the bottleneck is where the moving robot is morelikely to collide with obstacles. In this thesis, we configure the movingrobot around the bottlenecks to achieve collision avoidance. Except forpure uniform, linear and quadratic charge distributions, we also use thehybrid of these basic types of charge distributions to model the obstaclesto ensure not only a collision-free but also a more safe path.
Appears in Collections:Thesis