標題: 數位蜂巢式行動通訊系統行動臺軟體模組之設計與實作
Design and Implementation of GSM Software Model in Mobile Station
作者: 林昱仁
Lin, Yuh-Ren
Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 行動通訊;行動臺;數位通訊;蜂巢式;GSM;Mobile;Communication;Mobile Station;cellular
公開日期: 1995
摘要: GSM(行動通訊的廣域系統)是一個數位蜂巢式通訊系統,雖然最初的發展是 為了整合當時歐洲地區眾多各自發展而彼此之間無法相容的通訊系統做出 發點. 但是此系統目前已經在全球各地被非常廣泛的接受與使用,佔有廣 大的市場與眾多的使用人口.除了數位的資料傳輸這項特性以外,GSM 同時 加以整合了許多更好的服務和特性, 這些特性之中主要包含了有:與 ISDN 系統的相容性以及在其它 GSM 網路中能夠做全球的漫遊.這些良好的特性 與系統架構使得 GSM 系統成為後續發展出來的相關數位通訊系統的基本 模型. 整個 GSM 的規格標準超過了六千頁之多,可以說是非常的複雜,但 這是為了讓整個系統能有完整性與俱備有較好的彈性上所必需付出的代 價. 這篇論文的重點是嘗試著依據規格標準來設計所需的系統, 但是並不 是要涵蓋了整個 GSM 系統的設計, 而是主要針對在於 GSM 系統中, 行動 臺(Mobile Station)這一部份在實作設計時的系統架構與部份所需的軟體 模組來做探討, 因為在 GSM 的規格標準之中所制定的是各功能層次彼此 之間資料溝通的標準界面規格,所以是將重點置於實作時的各種可能情形 來加以考量. 如整個行動臺所需的系統架構如何設計能符合所需且較佳的 系統運作流程方式.最後,並且會以一個簡單的模擬測試環境來對所設計實 作完成的模組之系統功能進行模擬測試來證實其可行性. 註:此論文由玉盟科技股份有限公司部份資助,文中之設計與實作版權由該 公司保留,若有任何需要採用此部份資料請與該公司聯絡(計劃編號 C85042). GSM, the Global System for Mobile communications, is a digital cellularcommunications system which has rapidly gained acceptance and market shareworldwide, although it was initially developed in a European context. Inaddition to digital transmission, GSM incorporates many advanced services andfeatures, including ISDN compatibility and worldwide roaming in other GSMnetworks. The advanced services and architecture of GSM have made it a modelfor future third- generation cellular systems. Now, GSM systems exist on everycontinent, and the acronym GSM now aptly stands for Global System for Mobilecommunications. The nearly 6000 pages of GSM recommendations try to allowflexibility and competitive innovation amony suppliers, but provide enoughstandardization to guarantee the proper interworking between the componentsof the system. This is done by providing functional and interface descriptionsfor each of the functional entities defined in the system. The purpose of thisthesis is to design and implementation of GSM software models which are neededin Mobile Station according to the GSM recommendations. We also design andimplementation a simple testing environment to test the correctness andreliability of our system. ________________________________________________________________ _____________ This thesis is partially supported by Computer & Communications Associates,Inc. All copyrights are reserved for this company. Use of any design andimplementation contain in this thesis need preconcert with CCA company (Plannumber: C85042).