標題: 設計和製作一個角色扮演式多媒體電腦輔助學習軟體:以國小自然科天文星象方面的課程為例
The Design and Implementation of a Role-Playing Multimedia Computer Assisted Learning Software : A Case Study on Natural Science Courses of the Primary Schools
作者: 鄭志偉
Cheng, Chiw-Wei
Yang Wei-Pang
關鍵字: 電腦輔助教學;角色扮演;情境學習;超媒體;CAI;CAL;Role-Playing
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 隨著資訊科技與多媒體技術的進展,電腦於教育領域的應用日益廣泛 ,尤其是在 輔助學習方面。電腦輔助學習(Computer Assisted Learning,簡稱CAL)是以領域知 識為主幹,運用合適的學習理念及合 適的電腦科技,來輔助該領域知識的學習。學習 者只要利用個人電腦 ,加上合適地電腦輔助教學軟體即可立即學習、重複學習,作為 補救 教學、自我學習或輔助課餘學習之用,使得學習不再受時間與空間的限制 。且電 腦具有立即反應、雙向互動及整合控制多媒體資訊等強大功能 ,使得CAL可針對個別需 求,提供一個多元化的豐盛學習環境,幫助學 習者學習得更快、更完整。 然而,僅僅將設計不良、 花俏的CAL教材融入高科技周邊設備,呈現於使用者眼前,並無法獲得較 佳的學習表現,而有"Garbage-In,Garbage-Out"(不佳的設計內容披上嶄 新電腦科技的新衣,仍是不佳的產物)之說,這也是現今電腦輔助教學軟 體眾多,真正具有教學價值者少的緣故。因此,本論文將結合教育原理、 心理學、教學設計、專案管理與相關領域知識等來探討,如何設計與製作 一個具有教學價值的電腦輔助教學軟體,提供相關的設計原則、方法與步 驟,並實際發展製作出一有關國小自然科天文星象方面的角色扮演式多媒 體CAL軟體,作為各級教師與CAL軟體開發者在未來發展、設計與製作CAL 軟體時的參考。 As the promotion of computer and multimedia technology, applications of computer are more and more widely in the field of education. Computer Assisted Learning(CAL), whose trunk is the knowledge of some domain, uses suitable learning theory and computer technology to assist the learning of the domain. Only by Personal Computer(PC) and CAL Courseware can the learners learn immediately and repeatedly for the use of remedial teaching or assistant extracurricular learning. So CAL makes learning not be limited by space and time any more. Besides, because computers possess several great functions, such as immediate reaction, bi- directional interaction and integrating multimedia materials, according to the individual requirement, CAL can provide a various learning environment to help learners learn more quickly and completely. However, simply putting "high-tech" computing power into devices and then putting poorly conceived, and sometime "flashy" but poorly designed CAL materials in front of learners does not result in good performance. So there is so called "Garbage-In, Garbage-Out"(Bad design worn new computer technology clothes is still bad product.) Therefore, this paper will combine pedagogy, psychology, teaching theory, project management, and relative domains to explorehow to design and implement a CAL courseware with teaching value, to provide relative design principles, methods and steps, and actually to develop a role-playing multimedia CAL courseware about natural science courses of the primary schools. I hope this paper can offer the teachers and educators a reference of the design and implementation of a CAL courseware.