標題: 電子現金之研究
A Study on Digital Cash
作者: 葉士民
Yeh, Shih-Ming
黃景彰, 楊千
Jing-Jang Hwang, Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 電子現金;電子商務;可用一次憑證;盲目簽章;digital cash;electronic cash;electronic commerce;one-show credential;blind signature
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本論文探討電子現金的技術及其應用, 以及相關議題, 並提出一個新的 電子現金的模式本論文以﹒kamoto 與 Ohta 所提的理想電子現金的六個 條件為主軸,對電子現金的理論文獻及現有的系統作探討 回顧本論文提出 的新的電子現金模式不像 Chaum 的 ecash 提供完全不可追查性 南加大 的 NetCash 依賴誠實的電子現金伺服器; 而是把交易產生的資訊分成幾 個部份,除非法院許可,才能匯總各單位所有的資訊得出使用者的身份 這 樣的模式提供了適當的隱私性, 必要時又能稽核 此外, 如同 NetCash, 這個模式所需的資料庫比 ecash 小多了 In this thesis, we study digital cash--one of the major payment instrumentsin the era of electronic commerce.Literacture and existed digital cash systems are surveyed using criteriaof ideal electronic cash, proposed by Okamoto and Ohta, as a framework withemphasis on security and privacy (untraceability).This thesis proposes a new digital cash model. Unlike Chaum's ecash thatprovides unconditional untraceability and USC's NetCash that relies ontrusted currency server, this model separates transaction information intoseveral parts. The identity of a participator won't be revealed unlessthe court issues a subpoena. It provides adequate privacy and accountability.As NetCash, the database this model employed is much smaller and easily accessible than ecash's.
Appears in Collections:Thesis