Title: 氧化鎂基板處理條件對釔鋇銅氧薄膜品質之影響
Effect of substrate condition on the quality of superconducting YBaCuO thin films deposited on MgO
Authors: 許景誌
Shu, C. C.
郭義雄, 吳光雄
Y. S. Gou, K. H. Wu
Keywords: 氧化鎂基板;釔鋇銅氧;微波性質;MgO;YBCO;microwave properties
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 探討基片(MgO)經退火與未退火處理時, 利用雷射鍍膜製成之薄膜,在研
究濺鍍時, 不同溫度處理基板之條件下, 薄膜之表面性質與微波表面損耗
之關係. 進而推論, 若以應用而言, 微波元件製作時, 所需基片之最佳條
In this thesis, the defailed influence of the MgO substrates,
both prior to and during deposition, on the morphology and
microwave properties ofthe pulsed laser deposited YBaCuO thin
films were studied. It was found that by modifying the surface
condition of the substrates prior to deposition , the growth and
hence the morphology of the films can be greatly altered. Both
atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were
used to reveal the surface morphology of the films and to give
intimate correctionsbetween the films microstructure and it
microwave properties.
Appears in Collections:Thesis