Title: MPEG解碼,音高調整及次頻編碼之音訊處理演算法研究
On Audio Signal Processing for MPEG Decoding,Pitch-shifting and Subband Coding
Authors: 陳思平
Chen, Sy-Pyng
Sau-Gee Chen
Keywords: 次頻濾波;隨取視訊;音高調整;隨取視訊;subband coding;video on demand;MPEG;pitch-shifting;filter bank
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本論文重點有二:音訊處理器設計以及次頻濾波之研究。在音訊處理 器設計方面,我們希望設計出一多功能音效處理器其前級為MPEG 音訊解 碼器,後級則為音調升降之處理單元。此整合設計的動機乃是有鑑在高品 質數位音視訊需求上,MPEG(Moving PicturExpert Group)標準的普遍採 用,以及音高調整功能在未來隨取視訊(Video On Demand)系統上的實用 性(如:Karaoke On Demand)。結合上述兩者功能的音訊處理器必可在未 來的多媒体音訊應用上,提供使用者較多的音訊服務選擇。論文前半將探 討MPEG 音訊標準及音調升降原理並提出我們的質疑和改進的作法,以期 在隨後提出的處理器架構上能有更好的效能及較低的複雜度。 在次頻 濾波處理的研究成果上,除了已找到將MPEG音訊中次頻合成濾波運算簡化 的演算法外,在次頻濾波器組設計上亦有新的發現。在與傳統濾波器組的 比較後我們發現此一新次頻濾波器組可大幅減少運算上的複雜度。故在處 理一般訊號時此設計亦不失為一種新的選擇。 In this thesis, new algorithms and architectures for a multifunction audio processor and design of subband filter banks are proposed. In the former, a new processor which combines functions of MPEG-audio decoding and pitch- shifting processing is aimed. The motivation of this integrated design is because of the great popularity of MPEG standard in many applications of high quality audio-video systems, and practicality of pitch-shifting in the future video- on-demand system. This new multifunction audio processor can provide users a wider choice of audio services. In order to efficiently improve the complexity and performance of processor, we concentrate our attentions on the algorithms of MPEG decoding and pitch-shifting at first. After these efforts, several new efficient algorithms for audio processing are successfully obtained . In the research of subband coding, we not only find a fast algorithm of MPEG synthesis subband filtering, but also propose a new design of 2-channel filter bank which has less complexity compared with conventional designs. This filter bank can provide a new option for general audio signal processing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis