標題: 美感情緒與網頁視覺信息的關係研究
The Relationship between Aesthetic Emotion and Visual Information of Webpages
作者: 蔡子瑋
Tsai, Tzu-Wei
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
Wang, Ding-Ming
關鍵字: 視覺信息;視覺複雜性;美感情緒;美感評價;網頁;信息熵;visual information;visual complexity;aesthetic emotion;aesthetic evaluation;webpage;entropy
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 網頁是結合文字、圖像、色彩的視覺媒體,具有整體性及個別性的信息傳達效果,引起使用者情緒上的感受,產生對其美感的評價。因此本研究主要目的在以信息美學角度,探討網頁美感情緒與評價構成、網頁視覺風格形成、網頁視覺信息與複雜性的構成、美感情緒與網頁視覺信息的關係,及使用者特質對網頁視覺信息評估、網頁美感情緒影響的探討。 本研究整合美學理論、情緒理論、信息理論及複雜性的相關研究及文獻,建立網頁美感特質、美感情緒與視覺信息的研究基礎,進行二項探索性研究及三項實證研究。相關研究方法與結果如下: □ 網頁的美感情緒探索:以質性研究方法對使用者對網頁美感情緒的反應進行探討,以了解網頁美感情緒的影響因素及架構。研究結果發現,以使用者觀點,影響美感情緒的網頁元素包括網頁視覺元素的感知強度、變化性、使用性、功能服務等,網頁美感情緒需包含了美感心理因素及人因性因素。 □ 網頁視覺風格的形成機制:主要是以設計專家觀點獲得主要構成網頁的元素,以信息熵的機率分析法,決定構視覺元素的信息率相關係數,來探討某種風格形成時的信息的形成機制。研究結果提出六種網頁視覺風格(資訊型、融合型、對比型、水平型、焦點型及幾何型),視覺特徵因素決定的次序。 □ 網頁視覺信息與複雜性研究:根據信息理論,以信息熵主客觀量測法,探討網頁主客觀複雜性之間的關係。研究結果建構以衝突性、複雜性、新奇性及零散性等因子構成網頁視覺信息的迴歸關係模式,及以文字數、字型數、色相數、圖像數、連結數、及區塊數信息熵對網頁視覺複雜性的預測模式。並發現使用者人格特質、性別及專業背景,對網頁整體視覺信息量及信息因子的評估沒有差異。 □ 網頁美感情緒與評價:依探索性研究結果建置美感情緒量表,並進行網頁美感評價量測。研究結果發現美感情緒包含愉悅情緒、偏好反應、自主感受及喚起情緒,並建置以美感情緒構成的網頁美感評價迴歸關係模式。此外,研究結果發現使用者外內向與情緒穩定性是影響對網頁美感情緒的重要因素。較外向或情緒較穩定者,有較高的偏好反應及喚起情緒;性別對愉悅情緒與自主感受有影響;專業背景對網頁美感情緒的反應會產生差異。 □ 美感情緒與網頁視覺信息之關係:本研究以信息率量表量測網頁的視覺信息,並以美感情緒量表量測觀者網頁美感情緒反應,探討網頁視覺信息與觀者美感情緒反應的影響及兩者間的關係,研究結果建構以網頁信息因素來預測美感情緒的迴歸模式,並結合網頁信息、美感情緒及網頁主客觀視覺複雜性的相互關係,得到網頁信息與美感情緒的關係模型,作為情意運算設計的基礎。 本研究以信息熵的方法,建構美感情緒及網頁視覺信息的關係,並提出使用者特質對網頁視覺信息評估,及網頁美感情緒與評價的影響,建立網頁信息美學的理論,作為網頁情意運算設計系統開發的基礎,提出之研究建議提供網頁設計師在實務設計工作上之應用。
Wepages contain multiple visual stimuli. The visual complexes presented on webpages result in diverse levels of information uncertainty and induce viewers’ emotional responses and aesthetic evaluation. The aim of the research is to study the relationship between aesthetic emotion and visual information of webpages from the view of information aesthetic theory. The research issues grounded on the literature review about aesthetic theory, emotion theory and information theory. The research involves two exploratory studies and three empirical studies. They are stated as follows: □ An exploratory study of users’ aesthetic emotion to webpages: the purpose of the study is to probe into the influential factors and framework of users’ aesthetic emotion to webpages. The qualitative analysis of questionnaires is executed through the open coded, axis coded and core analysis of participants’ description about their preferred websites. Results of this study show the factors, the perceptive density of visual elements, variety, usability and service on webpages, will affect users’ aesthetic emotion. Moreover, aesthetic emotion are comprises of affective properties and collative properties and ergonomic properties. □ An information entropy approach to the formation of web style: The entropy analysis is to realize the distribution of disorder over certain parameters; therefore, it is the index to figure out the complexity of the system and the interaction between variables. This study is to analyze the formation of web style with entropy approach. The exploratory result is to propose the decision mechanism of elements as reference for forming six web styles. □ A study of visual information and complexity of webpages: The aim of the study is to construct the framework of visual information on webpages. The objective visual information of webpages is computed through Shannon’s entropy equation. Participants’ subjective evaluation of visual information on webpages responds to information rate scale. Result of factorial and regressional analysis demonstrates the regression model of visual information of webpages. Results of ANOVA analysis indicate that users’ traits have no effect on the evaluation of visual information of webpages. □ A study on aesthetic emotion and evaluation of webpages: Aesthetic evaluation of webpages is measured by aesthetic emotion measurement developed in this study. Result of factorial and regressional analysis demonstrates the regression model of aesthetic emotion and evaluation of webpages. Moreover, users’ extraversion and emotion stability affects aesthetic emotion responses to webpages.Gender has effects on pleasure and dominance emotion. Specialty training also has effects on users’ aesthetic evaluation of webpages. □ A study on the relationship between aesthetic emotion and visual information of webpages: This study explored participants’ aesthetic emotional responses related to visual information of websites in the ground of information aesthetics. Participants evaluate information and respond to instruments. Result of multiple regression analyses suggest that the regressional correlations exist between the aesthetic emotions invoked in the viewers and the visual information. To conclude, the research may be of importance in explaining the relationship between aesthetic emotion and visual information of webpages in information entropy approach, as well as in providing web researchers and designers with an understanding of how visual elements composed of visual information and complexity of webpages relate to users’ aesthetic emotion responses. The achievements of the research ground the visual information aesthetics and provide the basis for affective computing design of websites. Additionally, the proposed research suggestions will be applicable to the practical design work.
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