Title: 使用於長脈衝響應通道之卡門等化器
A Kalman Equalizer for Channels with Long Impulse Responses
Authors: 藍景賦
Lan, Ching-Fu
Wen-Rong Wu
Keywords: 卡門濾波器;系統判別;通道等化;長脈衝響應通道;穩態卡門增益;Kalman filter;system identification;channel equalization;long-impulse-response channel;steady-state Kalman gain
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 對於通道等化,有許多演算法可處理此問題。但是它們大部份都不能 處理具長脈衝響應之通道。在這篇論文中,我們發展一較具效能之卡門等 化器來克服此問題。我們首先將問題以狀態方程式表示之。然後我們解得 穩態卡門增益的封閉式(closed form)。最後 ,此增益用於卡門濾波器。 所以此濾波器不須矩陣運算且可節省大 量的計算。模擬結果顯示我們的 方法不但在計算量且在輸出訊號 雜訊比皆優於傳統的方法。 There are many algorithms dealing with channel equalization. However, if the impulse response of the channel is long, most of them cannot be applied. In this thesis, we develop an efficient Kalman equalizer that can overcome this problem. We first formulate the problem of equalization in the state-space domain. Then, we derive a closed form solution for the steady-state Kalman gain. Finally, this Kalman gain is used in the filte- ring proocess. Thus, the Kalman filtering does not requires any matrix operations and a tremendous reduction in computation is obtained. Simula- tion results demonstrate that our approach is superior to conventioal me- thods not only in computational complexities but also in equalized results.
Appears in Collections:Thesis