標題: 本國產業研究發展經費與利潤、營業額之關連性
R&D's Relationship with Profits and Sales
作者: 陳忠民
Chern, Jong-Min
Tarng Ming-Yueh
關鍵字: 研究發展支出;研究發展密度;利潤;營業額;R&D expenditure;R&D intensity;profit;sale
公開日期: 1995
摘要: This paper employs Taiwan stock market and financial data to test the relationship that R&D expenditures with profits and sales. Except a few industries, the empirical results show positive, statistically significant relationship between R&D expenditures with profits and sales. That is to say, R&D could influence future profits and sales of a business, and vice versa, profits and salesof a business will decide the amount of R&D expenditures in the future. In regard to difference between high R&D intensity industries and low R&D intensity industries, there is no standard formula that can be applied to different kinds of industries, they wholly depend upon the the characteristic of the business, and the tactics taken by management. What we must not overlook is that a detailed medium and long-term R&D planning is surely very important to reap the best result desired, and that is the key facter for the success of a business. 產業是經濟發展的主體,而技術能力更是產業成長的關鍵。在市場競 爭日趨激烈及產品生命週期日益縮短的今日,欲取得產品技術競爭優勢, 企業須積極投入研究發展。然而,當研究發展的成效不彰,企業將因研究 發展的支出,而導致的利潤減少,難以與其他企業競爭。所以,企業不僅 應重視研究發展,並且更應重視研究發展的成效。因此,有必要針對本國 產業的研究發展成效加以評估。本研究以經常被用來做為研究發展的指標 ,研究發展支出,與廠商績效的指標,利潤及營業額,做相關分析及時間 落後分析。資料選自本國上市公司,從民國77年至83年的公開財務報告及 年報。分析結果,獲的以下結論:結論一:無論是高研究發展密度的產業 ;或是低研究發展密度的產業,祇要對研究發展有良好的計劃與控制,其 研究發展皆能對利潤及營業額有所貢獻。結論二:部份產業的前期利潤或 營業額會影響後期的研究發展支出。即其會依據前期的利潤或營業額來編 訂研究發展預算。