標題: Chemical Mass Closure and Chemical Characteristics of Ambient Ultrafine Particles and other PM Fractions
作者: Chen, Sheng-Chieh
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn
Huang, Cheng-Yu
Chen, Hong-Dar
Chen, Shui-Jen
Lin, Chih-Chung
Tsai, Jen-Hsiung
Chou, Charles C. -K.
Lung, S. -C. Candice
Huang, Wei-Ru
Roam, Gwo-Dong
Wu, Wan-Yi
Smolik, Jiri
Dzumbova, Lucie
Institute of Environmental Engineering
公開日期: 2010
摘要: Ambient ultrafine particles (UPs or PM(0.1)), PM(2.5) and PM(10) were investigated at the roadside of Syuefu road in Hsinchu city and in the Syueshan highway tunnel in Taipei, Taiwan. A SMPS (TSI Model 3936), three Dichotomous samplers (Andersen Model SA-241), and three MOUDIs (MSP Model 110) were collocated to determine the PM number and mass concentrations simultaneously. The filter samples were further analyzed for organic carbon (OC), element carbon (EC), water-soluble ions, and trace elements. The OC artifact was studied and quantified using the quartz behind quartz (QBQ) method for all PM fractions. Taking into account the OC artifact, chemical mass closure (ratio of the reconstructed chemical mass to the gravimetrical mass) of PM(0.1), PM(2.5), and PM(10) was then calculated and found to be good. The chemical analysis results of UPs at both sites showed that UPs in the present tunnel was mostly contributed from the vehicle emissions while UPs at the roadside was mainly influenced by urban sources.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/6085
ISSN: 0278-6826
DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2010.486385
Volume: 44
Issue: 9
起始頁: 713
結束頁: 723


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