標題: 企業於全球資訊網(World Wide Web)上設置首頁(Home Page)採用過程與採用狀況之研究
A Study on the Adoption Process of World Wide Web Home Page By Business Enterprise and Its Effectiveness
作者: 陳俊憲
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 自從1990年代初期網際網路(Internet)開放商業應用以來,其本身 所已具備之強大的網路連結功能與所包含之豐富的資訊資源已逐漸成為企 業界所注目之焦點。而全球資訊網(World Wide Web, WWW)首頁(Home Page)之應用方式的出現,除了基於Internet而繼續保有原來之連結能力 與資訊資源等優勢之外,其足以傳輸多媒體資訊之能力已成為企業與消費 者之間最具威力之新興溝通媒體,除了為Internet之商業應用增添更多之 機會外,同時也為網路服務業者(Internet Service Provider,ISP)在 提供相關之產品/服務上帶來無限線之商機。 本研究即希望在企業參與設置與應用WWW首頁此風潮漸成趨勢之初,對於 企業在採用 過程與採用狀況上有所掌握,除了作為網路服務業者擬定行 銷決策之參考外,更透過理論推演之對應而更有效掌握此波WWW首頁商業 應用風潮所隱喻之意涵。 對於企業在應用WWW首 頁其採用過程與採用狀況之掌握上,本研究以創新採用及新產 品擴散之 觀點選定完整之潛在創用企業群--即以目前已申設有Internet位址帳號之 企業為對象,並推導出以邱福瑞(Choffray)和李連(Lilien)之工業市 場反應模式為基礎之組織購買行為模式來加以具體衡量其採用過程與採用 狀況,並根據所得之結果對網路服務業者在決策上擬出建議;而在此波風 潮其意涵之掌握上則以企業應用資訊系統形式之演進趨勢的理論推演來對 應,除了有效釐清WWW商業應用趨勢發展之方向,亦為其發展現況作出 定 位。在章節的安排上,本文在第一章中闡述本研究之背景、動機、目的、 架構、對象與範圍、方法及步驟、以及限制。第二章則分別探討Internet 與WWW之特性與發展現況、趨 勢以及組織購買行為之相關理論。第三章介 紹本研究之研究方法,包括模式、變數、假 說、問卷設計及資料之收集 與分析等。第四章則對所回收之資料加以分析與討論,歸納所得之特性並 作為第五章對網路服務業者在行銷決策上建議之依據。第六章則從理論推 演出發,探討資訊系統商業應用之演進過程,從其發展趨勢中對應至實證 所得之結果從而掌握此波WWW商業應用風潮之意涵。第七章則作 出整體之 結論及對後續研究者提出建議。 本研究之實證結果充分顯示出 WWW首頁應用之低進入成本與高資訊技術專業性,分別 表現於企業在 認 知、接受、採用決定等各採用過程之反應,包括有效行銷溝通活動之種 類與次數、應用時之高度自製意願與專業分工、以及決定採用之WWW首頁 型態等等。而在 採用狀況上企業並無法透過此應用而落實於公司之實際 收益上,與其原本參與應用之目的不一致。而在理論推演之對應上此波 WWW商業應用之風潮並非短暫之流行,企業雖無法透 過此應用而落實於公 司之實際收益上,但一方面其應用已充分顯現出WWW在網路連結及訊 息溝 通上之強大功能,另一方面環境之發展亦朝向有利於預期目標之方向,其 間 的落差 則有待「網路行銷技術」之發展來填補。 Internet had broken its principle of "appropriate use policy" and opened its usage to commercial area since early 1990's. It has already become the most prevalent media for business enterprise not only for its networking scale and ability, but also for the large amount of the information resources it can provide. At the same time, World Wide Web, an application based on the scale of Internet, had provide more powerful functionaries than usual such as to make two way communication possible, a net to transfer different types of information like multimedia information. Home Page, through which business enterprise can involve in WWW application, promotes itself as a whole new marketing tool. Being a new business channel between supplier and consumer, it helps business enterprise to get more closer connection with their customers. Since a great amount of commercial Home Page applications of various types could be found in the World Wide Web, a big trend has been formatted these days. The purpose of this thesis is to catch up with the trend and to find out its pattern. Namely, there are four major purposes in this paper: 1. Figuring out what affected the decision made by business enterprise to setup a WWW home Page during each step of adoption process. 2. Discussing the effectiveness of the business enterprise who has established a WWW Home Page. 3. Suggesting the marketing strategies to Internet Service Providers to promote their product/service. 4. From the management point of view, discussing the implications of the commercial application of WWW Home Page. To achieve these purposes, an operation model has been derived based on the industry market-response model of both J. M. Choffray and G. L. Lilien. It is an organization buying model that includes the steps of adoption process i.e. awareness, evaluation, adoption and effectiveness, and helps to examine the affecting factors in each step. The context is arranged as follows: chapter 1 illustrates the background, motivation, objectives, frame, target and range, approaches and steps, and limitation of the study. In chapter 2, it studies the related literature about Internet, World Wide Web, and organization buying behavior. Chapter 3 constructs a research approach including research model and variables, and also sets up the hypotheses. Chapter 4 both analyzes and summarizes the result of statistical test. Chapter 5 reveals some suggestions for Internet Service Provider according to the results. Chapter 6 discusses the trend of WWW Home Page's commercial application from literature survey and finally in chapter 7 it concludes the research. The Research has identified the factors that affect the decision made by business enterprise during each step of adoption process. WWW Home Page's Commercial use can't directly contribute its effectiveness to the bottom line of business enterprise. Several suggestions are also made according to these research findings.
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