Title: 形成策略聯盟之目標、選擇盟友準則與型態間相關性之研究-以台灣積體電路產業為例
Study of Relationships Among Strategic Alliance Types, Goals, and Choosing Partner Standards - A Case Study of Integrated Circuit Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 劉宜萍
Liu, Yi-Ping
陳光華, 楊 千
Chen Quang-Hua, Yang Chang
Keywords: 策略聯盟;積體電路;Strategic Alliance;IC
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 在世界各地產官學界中,策略聯盟正成為一股風潮,而在台灣積體電 路產業界中,技術變化快速、產品生命週期短、研發成本高等特性,造成 策略聯盟的盛行。本研究欲探討:(一)策略聯盟型態和形成策略聯盟目標 間的關係。(二)策略聯盟型態和策略聯盟盟友選擇準則間的關係。(三)策 略聯盟進行前、進行後及預期狀況之比較。根據文獻探討整理出四種策略 聯盟型態、十六種形成策略聯盟目標、十二種盟友選擇準則,依此建立假 設,並進行檢定。 研究對象是針對1990年至1996年2月間曾進行或進行中 有關積體電路產業之策略聯盟成員。以問卷進行資料收集,並配合進行深 入訪談。問卷資料進行多變量變異數分析、單變量變異數分析、分類鑑別 分析、變異數重覆測度分析。結果發現:採用不同策略聯盟型態,形成目 標之考量有所不同。採用不同策略聯盟型態,盟友選擇準則的考量不同。 大多的公司預期實際進行策略聯盟後,在大多數目標的達成能力上會變差 。 Strategic alliance becomes popular around the world in industry, government,school.Because the rapid changes of technology, the short life cycle of product, and the high cost of R&D etc. in IC industry.There are more and more cases of strategic alliance in Taiwan IC industry. This study want to understand something: (1)How about the relationship between types of strategic alliance and goals of strategic alliance? (2)How about the relationship between types of strategic alliance and choosing partner standar of strategic alliance? (3)How about the situations before executing strategic alliance, after executing strategic alliance,and the expect of executing strategic alliance? According the literature review, there are four types of strategic alliance, sixteen goals of strategic alliance, and twelve choosing partner standards of strategic alliance. Construct three hypothesises and test them.Study unit is the menber of strategic alliance during 1990 to Feb. 1996 in Taiwan IC industry. Data is collected in the use of questionaire. MANOVA, ANOVA, Discriminant, and Repeated Measurement procedures are adopted to analyze the data.The results show that there are different cosiderations in goals and choosing partner standards of strategic alliance when the firms adopted different types of strategic alliance.And the firms expect the ability of accomplishing goals will be worse than the ability of expecting goals.
Appears in Collections:Thesis