Title: O3/GAC程序處理水中有機氯農藥
Degration of chlorinated organic pesticides by Ozone and GAC Process
Authors: 康景棠
Kang, Jiing-Tarng
Chen Jong Nan
Keywords: 臭氧;活性碳;有機氯農藥;Ozone;GAC;Chloinated organic pesticides
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 有機氯農藥因具高毒性,在環境中殘留時間長,且以傳統的淨水方式不易處 理,所以必須開發高級處理程序以輔助傳統程序之不足.有鑒於此,本研究 並利用臭氧/活性碳組合程序探討去除有機氯農藥之效能.在處理技術評估 方面,臭氧對去除有機氯農藥有顯著之成果,靈丹約可去除30~50%,而安殺 番2則較佳,約有85~90%的去除率,但其中間產物毒性則未有一明顯上升及 下降趨勢,在氯原子去向探求,本實驗使用DPD-UV及結合IC的方法,在靈丹 約有85%的回收率,而在安殺番2則約有54%的回收率.在活性碳處理方面在 等溫吸附線實驗中發現當離子強度,鹼度增加,及低pH低背景物濃度,低臭 氧劑量時活性碳吸附負荷增高;而運用模式模擬固定床貫穿娶線預測,也有 令人滿意之結果.而可做為實廠設計之參考. The residual chlorinated organic pesticides in water is noticed recently becaus-e of its high toxicity,long retention time.It is so difficult to remove from w -ater in tradition water purring process,that an advanced treament process shou-ld be developed. Accordingly,this research investigated chlorinated organic pes- ticides in water,and combined the process of ozone and GAC to treat those chem-icals.This combined process shows great efficiency to remove chlorinaed organic pesti-cides.In our experiment,the tixicity of by-product from ozonation of chlorinat-ed is either decrease or increase,but it does'nt find any trend.Chlorine can b-e producted in the ozonation of chlorinated organic pesticides and detected byusing the IC and DPD method.The result indicides that the concentration of chlo- rine atom increase with increasing reation time.In the isothermal adsorption e-xperiment,the capacity of GAC increase with increasing ion strength,alkalinityand decreasing humic acid,pH,ozone quantity.Between CPHSDM simulation and exper-iment result,we find that the error is about 10% and is acceptable. Accordinglywe conclude that the model may be suitable for full- scale design.
Appears in Collections:Thesis