標題: 積體電路廢水毒性鑑定暨毒性減量研究
Toxicity Identification and Reduction Study of Integrated Circuit Wastewater
作者: 邱信翰
Chiou, Hsin-Han
Chen Chung-Yuan
關鍵字: 毒性鑑定;積體電路;敏感性;毒性減量;水質參數;toxicity;misrotox;identification;reduction;IC wastewater
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本研究係針對積體電路業廢水進行毒性減量之研究,根據毒性鑑定結果 發現:構成積體電業廢水主要毒性物質為H2O2,氟離子,氨及銨離子. 經由 毒物確認實驗比較各毒性物質對整體毒性影響可知,單一毒性物質影響力 順序為H2O2 >氟離子 >氨及銨離子. 且三個主要毒性物種共存時會發生協 同作用(Synerism), 大幅度提高廢水的毒性. 由毒性減量的研究結果發現 可用活性碳吸附, 陰離子型樹脂, 添加還原劑等操作方式可有效去除毒 性, 其中活性碳吸附是對各廠均有相當效果的處理方式. 另各廠可依照其 成份特性選擇更佳的操作方式.如B廠可採用曝氣處理方式, C廠可採用添 加還原劑的方式來處理. 研究中的四種生物急毒性試驗法之敏感度順序為 水蚤 > 魚毒(白雲山) > Microtox > 月牙藻. Microtox為操作最簡便,可 最快得到數據的毒性試驗方法. 研究中也發現各廠的毒性,水質成份差異 性頗大,因此不宜僅以相同的傳統水質參數來作為管制的標準,而需早日建 立一套完整,可行的毒性數據資料庫,以使各行業及廠商有遵循的標準,以 及執法的依據. The study conduct a toxicity reduction evaluation on effluent from Integrated Circuit Industry.Toxicity test using four different organisms (i.e,algae, Daphnia, fish and Photobacterium phosphoreum)were applied for assessing the toxicity of wastewater samples. The above identification had been varifiedby the confirmed test which also indicated that hydrogen peroxide was thepredominant element governing the toxicity of the effluents. Several physicochemical unit process were used to reduce the effluents' toxicity. Among them,anion ion exchange resin, activated carbon and addition of reductants were three most effective treatment processes. During the experimental manipulations wefound: while any two major toxicants co-exist they make antagonistic effect; but when three predominant toxicants co-existed, they make a synergistic effect.Fluoride ion and ammonia are important only when hydrogen peroxide is existed incertain concentration. They could cause the toxic effect. These three toxicants' effect all highly depended on pH value, and all of them could catalyze toxiceffect; so the real toxicity was much higher than we expeced. For the four species of organisms tested in this study, Daphnia was the most sensitive organism among them. Algae was less sensitive compared to the other three. Owingto the great difference among all cases, we shouldn't use only traditional waterquality indices as control criteria. A complete and applicable toxic data bankshould be constructed as soon as possible, then both authorities concerned and factories have standard to follow.