標題: 台灣音樂學習者演出焦慮之現況與管理概念之調查
A Survey of Music Performance Anxiety and its Management in Taiwan
作者: 閻亭如
Yen, Ting-Ju
Chen, I-Ping
關鍵字: 演出焦慮;舞台恐懼;表演焦慮;表演;焦慮;Performance Anxiety;Music Performance Anxiety;Stage Fright;Performance;Anxiety
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究之主要研究目的,在於探討國內音樂學習者對於音樂演出焦慮之現況與管理概念。研究內容可分為兩部分,第一部分是探討焦慮的發生與音樂學習者之間的關係,第二部分是探討音樂學習者對於焦慮的管理與防治。研究對象以國內之在學或已畢業於音樂科系之學習者為對象,性別不拘,年齡不限。研究方式以問卷調查為主體,經採用回收後之有效研究樣本共有168份。 研究結果發現,有42%的受試者認為演出焦慮是極大的困擾,而焦慮又因樂器類別、琴齡、性別而存在著差異,不同樂器類別的焦慮徵狀也有所不同。焦慮持續的時間,最普遍的統計結果,是從演出前幾天開始一直到演出結束的那一刻,焦慮的巔峰點是在後台預備時。受試者表示,在演奏當中最容易遺忘焦慮的時刻,是投入音樂時。至於焦慮的管理與防治,有76%的受試者聽過某些專業的方式,也有79%的受試者表示願意嘗試。
The main purpose of this study is to survey the prevalence and the management of music performance anxiety among music learners in Taiwan. The contents can be divided into two parts: the first is to discuss the impact of anxiety on music learners; the other is to discuss anxiety management and prevention measures taken by music learners. The population of interest in this study is music learners aiming for a professional track, regardless of their gender and age. We use questionnaires as our research tool, and 168 effective samples are collected. The results of this research are as followed: 42% of subjects feel terribly beset of performance anxiety. Variables such the instrument majors, length of study, and gender are all found to affect anxiety impacts. That is to say, those who major in different kinds of instrument have distinct symptoms of anxiety. We have also found that anxiety level arises since from few days before performance, and lasts until the moment when the performance is over. Anxiety peaks often occur when the subjects are preparing on the back stage. Many of them indicated when they engage in performing music, it is the moment that they will forget the anxiety. As for the management and prevention of anxiety, 76% of the subjects had heard about some professional treatments, and 79% of subjects are willing to some of the treatments a try.


  1. 651501.pdf

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