Title: CNC放電加工機中自動數據偵測系統之研製
Desig and Implementation of Auto-Measuring Data System for CNC EDM
Authors: 劉光振
Liou, Kuang-Chen
Tang, Pei-Chuong
Keywords: CNC;自動數據偵測系統
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 放電加工是藉著電極與工件間產生的放電火花進行加工,其特性是可以利用較軟的電極材料加工超硬合金,克服了傳統機械加工的困難。儘管如此,放電加工仍舊牽涉了許多領域的專業知識,在傳統的放電加工機來說,這些專業知識是老師傅的經驗,對於新型的CNC放電加工機而言,就是放電資料庫。
EDM is a machining process by means of the electrical discharging between electrode and workpiece. The characteristic is that using soft electrode can process the super hard alloy. For all that, the EDH is still involved much of the professional knowledge. For traditional EDM, the professional knowledge is for the masters having, but for new CNC EDH, that is discharged data base.
In this thesis, we use the short characteristic between electrode and workpiece to design and implement the discharged measurement system because of the immutability of the data base. And for easily using, we indite the CNC subprogram for measurement system. It must have the residual for a measurement system, so we confirm it by many experiment data to prove the practicability. So the data base can be done by no more other expensive apparatuses and by timesaving 、laborsaving mechanical method. At the same time, we can lower the dependence of the operator. We hope the effort in the thesis will make a contribution to EDM.
Appears in Collections:Thesis