標題: 管絃樂曲”影趣”及其創作內容之探討
Symphony "Shadow" and the Ideas Behind It
作者: 廖安寧
Liou, An-Ning
Yang, Tsung-Hsien
關鍵字: 管絃樂曲;影趣
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本論文包括兩部分,一為管弦樂作品,一為創作理念的文字陳述。音樂創作的部分,乃是一首三管編制的管弦樂曲,其創作的靈感主要得自影子的種種聯想:同一物體在不同的空間由不同的光線照射下,會產生不同的影子。因此,借由音樂中不同的段落發展形式,可傳達出影子與音樂間同時具有“經歷時間產生變化”的共性。而音樂創作的目的,則嘗試在非傳統調性的音樂裡,製造期待與解決。 文字的部份,兼具學理與技術的探討,討論的重點分別為:音樂進行中的偏離或阻擋;音樂的素材與織度形成的關係;打擊樂器在此作品中的特殊運用;管弦樂曲“影趣”之細部分析。
This thesis consists of two parts, the musical composition "shadow" and the document expounding the ideas behind it. The composition is scored for an orchestra with triple winds. It is inspired by the variant images of shadow. In order to express the various phenomena of shadow, I try to develop the basic musical idea differently in each movement. Additionally, I work on the issue of how to create expectations is nontonal music and how to resolve them properly. The document deals with some musical issues and compositional techniques that are employed in the composition, and is divided into preface, deviation and resistance in musical process, texture and special instrumentation, analyses to "shadow", and conclusion.
Appears in Collections:Thesis