Title: 以萃取-臭氧化系統處理水溶液中2,4-二氯酚反應行為之研究
The Study on the Removal of 2,4-Dichlorophenol Aqueous Solution by the Extraction-Ozonation Process
Authors: 倪振鴻
Ni, Chen-Hung
Chen, Jong-Nan
Keywords: 萃取;臭氧化;質傳係數;中間產物;extraction;ozonation;mass transfer coefficient;intermediates;GC/MASS
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究為一嶄新之廢水處理單元,各單元之功用如下﹕(1)設計一萃取單元,使有機廢水與溶劑在此單元接燭,藉由萃取作用使有機污染物由水相進入溶劑相中,以降低廢水中有機物濃度﹔(2)設計一臭氧化單元,連結前述之萃取單元,溶劑中之有機污染物在此單元中分解氧化,因而恢復溶劑之萃取能力,達到溶劑再利用之功效﹔(3)設計一溶劑循環迴路,使有機污染物重覆進行萃取與臭氧化作用,達到去除廢水中有機污染物之功效。
An innovative extraction-ozonation process was developed and studied for degradation of phenolic pollutants in water. The inuniscible, inert and highly ozone soluble fluorinated solvent (FC77) was used as the roles of not only the extractant to remove pollutants from water but also the oxidation medium in which ozone was intrduce to degrade polutants. A solvent circulation, system was also designed for reusing the fluorinated solvent.
The significant factors and the optimal combination of this process parameters were determinated and established with Taguchi L27 method last year. In this study, the kinetics of this extraction-ozonation process was developed to describle and predict the variation of 2,4-dichlophenol in each unit of this proceess. The equations between overal ozone mass tranfer coefficient and corresponding factors in semi-stured reactor were also established by experiments. Otherwise, the most important findings of this study is the identification of the hydrolated intermediates by GC/MASS and determination of the inital reaction pathway between ozone and 2,4-dichlorophenol .
Appears in Collections:Thesis