标题: 传呼服务之发展趋势,应用机会与大学生偏好分析
Development Trends, Business Applications, and College Students' Preferences of Paging Service
作者: 黄友怿
Huang, You-Yi
Yu, Xiao-Cheng
关键字: 传呼;无母数统计;联合分析;管理;科技;Paging;Nonparametric Statistics;Conjoint Analysis;MANAGEMENT;TECHNOLOGY
公开日期: 1995
摘要: Paging service provides a convenient, effective, and
economical means of mobile communication. This research
investigated issues regarding itsdevelopment history,
technological capabilities, system functions, marketstatus, and
application potentials. The purpose was to find out its
development trends and business opportunities, as well as give
recommendations on future development strategies. This
research surveyed 110 college students from Northern Taiwan
foranalyzing users' preferences on paging service
characteristics. Users'preferences were represented by ordinal-
scaled instead of interval-scaleddata. Therefore, nonparametric
statistics and conjoint analysis were usedin this research.
Major results of this research include:1.Paging singal quality,
reception area, and volume of pager are the three most
important product attributes from the view points of college
students.2.College students have strong tendency to subscribe to
new paging services, such as two-way paging and voice paging.3.
Paging service will continue to improve towards the goals of
more functions, wider reception area, larger capacity, easier
operation, higher speed, and integration with other computing
and communication equipment.4.There exists further growth
potential for paging service in Taiwan.5.In addition to mobile
personal messaging, paging also provides useful applications in
a variety of business areas, including information providing,
trucking, mailing, public transportation, rescuing, patrolling,
and automobile burglary alarming.