Title: 中低強度稻殼灰飛灰高性能混凝土之工程性質研究
A study on the engineering properties of middle/low strength rice-husk-ash and fly-ash high performace concrete
Authors: 曹本介
Tsao, Ben-Jack
Peng Yaw-Nan
Keywords: 稻殼灰;飛灰;高性能混凝土;工程性質;rice husk ash;fly ash;high performance concrete;engineering properties
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本研究的目的是採用稻殼灰,飛灰取代部分水泥,產製目前土木工程常用之中低強度稻殼灰
-飛灰高性能混凝土(Rice husk-Fly ash High Performance concrete, R-F HPC).在膠結
The objective of this study is using rice husk (R) and fly ash (F) to replace
some coment, to produce middle/low strength rice husk-fly ash high performance
concrete (R-F HPC). With the fixed binder content of 450 kg/m3, by adjusting d
ifferent propertions and mixing method, the fresh concrete with the demanded w
orkability (slump >= 20cm, flow >= 50cm), without aggregate segregation or ble
eding was achieved. In this study, the influence of rice husk and fly ash upon
the engineering properties of R-F HPC is investigated. Experimental results i
ndicted that the workability of the fresh concrete decreases with increasing r
ice husk and fly ash content. It is found that use of secondary-adding method
can reduce the amount of water and superplasticizer needed, however the concen
tration of first and second add solution must be appropriate. The adding of ri
ce husk can increase the early strength of concrete and the optimal amount is
15 kg/m3. The splitting tensile strength of R-F HPC specimen is not related to
the rice husk and fly ash content. The dry shrinkage and weight loss ratio of
concrete increase with the increasing replacement of rice husk and fly ash. H
igh fly ash content can effectively improve the sulfate resistance of concrete
. Proper curing is very important to the strength development and durability o
f R-F HPC. After concrete suffer the high temperature of 200'C, 400'C and 600'
C, the residual strength ratio is 100+-10%, 80+-10% and 40+-5% respectively. T
he adding of rice husk and fly ash does not effectively improve the refractory
characteristic of the R-F HPC.
Appears in Collections:Thesis