Title: 含磚牆建物之動態行為反應
The Dynamic Behavior of Buildings with Brick Walls
Authors: 盛鎧
Sheng, Kai
Fu-Peng Cheng
Keywords: 磚牆;勁度;等值斜撐;brick walls;stiffness;equivalent digonal struts
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 含磚牆為非結構牆之建築結構,在台灣地區相當普遍.而一般對於此類建築物進行分 析與設計時,為了簡化問題,常將磚牆所提供的勁度予以忽略.顯然,這樣的作法和建築物的 實際情形並不相同. 本文即嘗試對含磚牆建築結構進行動力分析,磚牆之行為,以等值 斜撐理論加以模擬.比較考慮磚牆勁度與否,及不同的等值斜撐有效寬度對一些結構動態反 應的影響.此外,考慮基礎支承為固定,或是以土壤彈簧模擬土壤效應,二者的差異,也一併 考慮. 根據本文的研究成果顯示,考慮磚牆勁度與否,對建築物之動態反應,確實有影響 ,磚牆之勁度不宜完全忽略不計,而應予以適當的考慮,以策結構物之安全. Buildings with brick walls as non-structural walls are very common inTaiwa n. Usually, to simplify problems, we neglect stiffness of brick wallswhen we a nalyze or design this kind of buildings. Clearly, this is not the same as the actual situation. In this paper, we try to do the dynamic analysis of build ings with brickwalls. We model the behavior of brick walls by using the theory of equivalentdiagonal compression strut. We consider the influence of differe nt stiffnessof brick walls and different effective width of struts on the dyna mic behaviorof structures. Besides, we also consider the difference between th e fixed baseand the base with soil spring. According to this research, cosi dering the stiffness of brick walls or notdoes have influence on the dynamic b ehavior of buildings. It is not very good to neglect the stiffness of brick wa lls. However, to keep the structures safe,we should consider the stiffness of brick walls properly.
Appears in Collections:Thesis