Title: | 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土(SRC)構材剪力設計之研究 A Study on Shear Design of SRC Members |
Authors: | 程幼棣 Cheng, Yu-Li 翁正強 C. C. Weng 土木工程學系 |
Keywords: | 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土;剪力設計;強度疊加;SRC梁柱接頭區;SRC剪力牆;扭力設計;Steel Reinforced Concrete(SRC);Shear Design;Strength Superposition;SRC Beam-Column Connection;SRC Shear Wall;Torsion Design |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討鋼骨鋼筋混凝土(SRC)構造在剪力設計方面之相關問題。研究中首先探討S RC構材之剪力行為,並考慮可能之破壞模式,提出新的SRC構材剪力設計法。再者,本研 究亦針對SRC梁柱接頭區之剪力行為進行探討,並對鋼梁接SRC柱時,其接頭區有效受剪面 積進行評估,最後以強度疊加之概念探討SRC梁柱接頭區之剪力強度。此外,本研究更嘗 試探討SRC剪力牆之受力行為,並考慮RC牆、內包鋼板或鋼骨斜撐之牆體與周邊SRC梁、柱 構材之組合形式,提出相關之設計公式,以助於合理的評估SRC剪力牆之剪力強度。最後 ,本研究嘗試對SRC構材之扭力強度進行探討,並基於強度疊加之概念提出一新的SRC構材 扭力設計法。綜合言之,本研究針對SRC構造中梁、柱構材之剪力設計、扭力設計、SRC梁 柱接頭區之剪力設計及SRC剪力牆設計等問題,嘗試提出相關之建議與新的設計方法,並 期望本研究之成果對國內SRC構造設計與工程品質之提昇能提供積極正面之意義。 This research is devoted to the investigation of shear design of steel reinfor ced concrete (SRC) structures. First, a study on the shear design of SRC membe rs was presented. A new method which considers possible shear failure modes wa s proposed and it also shows satisfactory results as compared with the values predicted by other existing methods and experiments. Second, this research inv estigated the shear design of SRC beam-column connections and proposed a new m ethod based on strength superposition concept. It is found the results obtaine d from the proposed method are satisfactory. Third, this research considers th ree kinds of SRC shear wall of RC wall and the walls including steel plates or steel braces surrounded by SRC beams and columns. A new method which calculat es the shear strength of SRC shear wall was proposed and the connection detail ing of SRC shear wall was suggested. At last, the torsion design of SRC member s was also studied and a new method using superposition approach was proposed. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61420 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |