Title: 圓錐貫入試驗在粉砂中之標定
Calibration of Cone Penetration Test in Silty Sand
Authors: 張嘉偉
Chang, Jia-Wei
An-Bin Huang
Keywords: 圓錐貫入試驗;粉砂;標定;CPT;silty sand;calibration
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 中文摘要
是常用的方法。圓錐貫入試驗(cone penetration test, CPT)是一種廣泛使用的現場試
相當大的差異因此將來自歐美的 CPT經驗公式應用於台灣西海岸砂土之可靠性很有疑問。
研究計畫之主要目的是建立一套經驗的方法來解釋在含細顆料砂土中 CPT之結果。本
。 現已完成全部之基本物理試驗與三軸試驗。標度槽已架設,並完成一系列的CPT標度試
驗。 本論文敘述研究之背景、目的、進行步驟、CPT標度試驗之程序與試驗結果資料。對
於在粉砂中 CPT結果進行分析,提出新的經驗公式。
關鍵詞: 現場試驗,膨脹性,橫向應力,砂土強度,圓錐貫入標度試驗
Because of the lack of cohesion, it is very difficult to obtain undisturbe
dsamples for sand. In situ tests are often used to determine the engineering
properties of sand. The cone penetration test (CPT) is a popular in situ test
method. As in many other types of in situ test methods, the interpretation of
CPT data is mostly empirical. These empirical interpretation rules are mostly
developed based on chamber calibration tests in the laboratory, and limited
theoretical considerations. Most of the availle empirical rules came from
Europe or Northern America, based on tests in uniformly graded, clean sand.
The sand on the West Coast of Taiwan, including that at the 6th Naptha project
site in Mai Liao, Yuen Lin, contains significant amount of silt. Experiments
have indicated that this type of sand is compressible and crushable, but has a
less tendency to dilate. The difference between a uniformly graded clean sand
and a silty sand can be significant. Hence, to directly adopt the empirical
CPT interpretaon rules developed in the West, to the sand on the West Coast of
Taiwan is not desirable.
The main objective of this research project is to establish an empirical
method for the interpretation results of CPT performed silty sand. This method
applied directly to the soils at the 6th Naptha project site in Mai Liao,
considering the effects of high fines content and the effects of soil
improvement. Experiments to determine the basic physical properties and
triaxial tests have been completed. The calibration chamber system has been
established. A seies of cone penetration tests have been perford in this
chamber system. This thesis describes the background of the research, its
objetives, research approach, procedures of the CPT calibration tests and test
results. The CPT data are analyzed and a new empirical rule is proposed
specifically for CPT in silty sand.
Keywords : in situ test, dilatancy, horizontal stress, shear strength of sand
, calibration of cone penetration test
Appears in Collections:Thesis