標題: 醯亞胺水解酵素催化p-D,L-hydroxyphenyl hydantoin 水解的探討
Imidase catalyzed hydrolysis of p-D,L-hydroxyphenyl hydantoin
作者: 浦莉平
Pu, Li-Ping
何小台, 楊裕雄,
Ho Chester S., Yang Yuh-Shyong
關鍵字: 光學活性;D型胺基酸;醯亞胺水解酵素;抗生素;D-4-hydroxyphenyl hydantoin;D-amino acids;antibiotics;hydantoinase;imidase;dihydropyrimidinase
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 醯亞胺水解酵素(imidase)是工業上生產D-4-hydroxyphenyl
Cefoperazone, Cefpiramide, Amoxicillin和Cefadroxil等的重要中間產
物. 目前生產DHPG的問題在於是否可以得到一適當的酵素, 用來分離不具
光學活性的D,L-4-hydroxyphenyl hydantoin, 進而得到具光學活性的產
物. 我們可以用醯亞胺水解酵素(imidase, D-hydantoinase, or
dihydropyrimidinase)來達成此一目的. 而醯亞胺水解酵素一般的來源是
Agrobacterium sp.,Pseudomonas striata, 牛肝和鼠肝. 在台灣由豬肝
中純化醯亞胺水解酵素, 相信可提高豬肝的附加價值, 使台灣養豬戶不必
擔心因市場價格下降而滯消的問題. 在本論文中, 我們證實從臺灣豬肝
分離出醯亞胺水解酵素可以水解p-D,L-hydroxyphenyl hydantoin, 同時
具有旋光選擇性可以用來生產D-4-hydroxyphenyl glycine(DHPG).
Imidase is an industrially important enzyme leading to
the productionof D-4-hydroxyphenylglycine(DHPG). DHPG in turn
is the key intermediate for the manufacture of important
antibiotics such as cefoperazone, cefpiramide, amoxicillin,
aspoxicillin and cefadroxil. To be able to produce DHPG, one
needs an enzyme that can selectively hydrolyze D-4-
hydroxyphenyl hydantoin from its racemic mixure. This enzyme is
imidase, also known as D-hydantoinase, dihydropyrimidinase,
dihydropyrimidine hydrase, and dihydropyrimidine amidohydrolase.
In the past, imidase have been purified from Agrobacterium sp.,
Pseudomonas striata, beef liversand rat livers. While Taiwan is
an major pig exporting country, we trust successful industrial
applications of the imidase from pig livers will provide a
tremendous value to our agriculture sector.
In this thesis, a methodology of purifying imidase from pig
livers hasbeen developed. It has been shown that, indeed, the
pig liver imidase can selectivelycatalyze p-D,L-hydrophenyl
hydantoin which in turn leads to the production of D-
hydrophenylglycine(DHPG). The optimum reaction condition for
the pig liverimidase appears to be at pH 8.5 and 60 C. The
obervation is well in line withthe results shown in the
literature. This research has provided important technical
insights towards successful bioreactor design and scale-up for
theproduction of a wide spectrum of antibiotics.