標題: 電動機車電瓶交換站配置方式之研究
The Allocation of Battery Exchange Station For Electric Motorcycle
作者: 李其風
Lee, Chi-Feng
Tzeng Gwo-Hshiung
關鍵字: BEX電瓶交換系統;配置方式;二階數學規劃;遺傳演算法;BEX Battery Exchange System;allocation;bi-level mathematical programming;Genetic Algorithm
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 台灣地區由於較為特殊之生活型態,機車,已成為很多都市居民每 日不可或缺之運輸工具,而數量龐大的機車,雖然提高了各種旅次的可動 性,其排放之大量廢氣卻也嚴重汙染了我們的居住環境.有鑑於此,政府近 年來不斷致力於一種新型的運輸工具-電動機車之研發,並將於民國八十九 年開始強制機車廠商銷售一定比例的電動機車,期能有效取代傳統燃油機 車之使用.為了提高民眾使用此種運輸工具的意願,政府應及早建立相關之 使用環境,供電設施即為其中最重要之一環. 目前民間廠商自行開發出 一種名為BEX (Battery EXchange)的電瓶交換系統,使用簡便,快速,且佔 地面積小,相較於以往的供電方式,在都會區中具有更高之適用性.本研究 分別從廠商和政府的立場,探討此種電瓶交換系統之配置方式,由於此兩者 在決策過程中,位階及追求的目標皆不相同,彼此的決策結果又會相互影 響,因此本研究應用二階數學規劃模式來構建此決策行為,其中廠商希望經 由電瓶交換站的配置獲得最大之利潤,政府方面則希望決定一補貼廠商之 方式,使民眾對此供電體系能達到最大之使用滿意度.基於模式之非線性, 以及問題之規模龐大,本研究應用一種啟發式解法-遺傳演算法來進行模式 之尋優,並以台北市為實證地區,提出目標年電瓶交換站之配置及政府之補 貼方式,以提供未來擬定相關策略時之參考. In Taiwan,the motorcycle has become a necessary and indispensable transportation mode for many urban residents when carrying out their dailylives and in industrial activities due to the special living pattern. Although the use of motorcycles really enhance the mobility of many kinds oftrips, it leads to serious air pollution at the same time. As a result, thegovernment in Taiwan has dedicated itself to develop a new type of transportation mode - electric motorcycle, and has decided to enforce themotorcycle manufacturers to sale a certain percentage of electric motorcycles beginning in 2000 to replace the use of combustion motorcycles. Besides, the government has to estabilsh the infrastructure of electric motorcycles as soon as possible to make people willing to use them. Among the infrastructure,the charging facility is the most important element.Recently, a business company in Taiwan devised a new charging system for electric motorcycles called BEX (Battery EXchange) which has the peculiaritiesof convenience, shorter waiting time for users, and occuping a smaller area;therefore, it has better availability for urban use than any other charging method developed before. This research will investigate the allocation of this battery exchange system in the position of the firm and the government respectively by using bi-level mathematical programming method to establishthe decision making process, because these two sides have different levels and goals, which are related to each other. The firm hopes to earn the maximalprofit by the best allocation of the battery exchange stations, while the government hopes that the users will feel the most satisfied with the battery exchange system by subsidizing the firm. The research will also use a heuristic algorithm - Genetic Algorithm (GA) to search the better solutionin view of the nonlinear of the model. Finally, the analysis of the resultsby applying the model to Taipei city will be proposed to the future planning.