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dc.contributor.authorLin, Hsing-Jungen_US
dc.contributor.authorWong Jinn-Tsaien_US
dc.description.abstract由於國人消費能力的提高,所以愈來愈多的人購買舒適性較高的小 汽車來作為其出 門代步的工具,造成小汽車數量的逐年成長,為解決民 眾對停車空間的需求,所以近幾 年來政府鼓勵民間參與建設停車場,尤 其以興建停車塔為民間最樂於投資項目。因興建 停車塔確為解決停車位 嚴重不足之一帖良方,但卻由於對停車塔所作之研究十分有限, 亦無一 配合台灣現有狀況所建議出來的標準,以致現有的停車塔常面臨因車輛停 等於鄰 近道路上,造成對交通的不良影響,以致遭來民眾的不滿,故為 配合各地區不同狀況之 需要,亟需一套可供作為參考之標準,亦即必須 針對各種不同之情況以設計其所需之停 車塔型式及合理規模,期能圓滿 解決停車問題。本研究先對台北市的停車特性作一充分 了解,以作為在 進行停車塔系統模擬時,設計停車需求狀況的依據,再以電梯滑動式與 垂直循環式停車塔為主要研究對象,建立此兩種停車塔處理進出場車輛的 系統模擬模式 (所利用的電腦語言為JAVA),並配合對台北市停車場停 車特性之分析,利用所建立的 停車塔系統模擬模式,進行不同停車需求 與鄰近道路交通狀況下,配合不同停車塔型式 的各種方案模擬,由方案 模擬結果,便可得知在不同的停車需求情況下,電梯滑動式與 垂直循環 式停車塔之運行績效。最後以停車塔前的平均等待車數與等待時間小於五 分鐘 的車輛比例分別作為設計停車塔合理規模的標準,利用所模擬結果 所作成的表,得出在 平均等待車數2輛與等待時間小於五分鐘的車輛比例 在80%以上的電梯滑動式與垂直循 環式停車塔合理規模。 Due to the rapid growth of economy in Taiwan, more and more people are buying private cars as their major transportation means. Hence, the numberof cars are dramatically increasing. To satisfy people's need of parkinglots, the government encourages the construction of private parking garages.Among many kinds of parking garages, the parking tower system is the most preferred one to be invested. However, there are only several researches studying the parking tower. There are no recommended construction standards based on thee consideration of environment in Taiwan, neither. Consequently,people in the neighborhood of parking towers are usually complaining about the traffic jams introduced by the waiting cars of the parking towers. We need a standard procedure to design parking towers that satisfy different conditions so that we can solve the problem. In this thesis, we first study the characteristics of parking in Taipei.The characteristics will be the basis in simulating the demand for parking space. We then build up programs (written in Java) simulating Elevated-Type Tower and Rolled-Type Tower. The programs simulates different cases according to the characteristics of parking garages in Taipei. We can predict the efficiency of Elevated-Type Tower and Rolled- TypeTower from the simulation results. Finally, we use the average waiting cars andthe percentage of cars serviced in 5 minutes to be the criteria in designing a appropriate scale of parking tower. The tables from the simulating results showthe appropriate scale of Elevated-Type Tower and Rolled-Type Tower that have 2 average waiting cars and 80% cars serviced in 5 minutes.zh_TW
dc.subjectparking toweren_US
dc.subjectappropriate scaleen_US
dc.subjectcharacteristics of parkingen_US
dc.subjectsysytem simulatingen_US
dc.titleA Study on Appropriate Parking Tower Scale Determinatingen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis