標題: 捷運木柵線列車行駛噪音特性之研究
A Study on the Noise Characteristic of the Train of the Mucha Line of Rapid Transit
作者: 陳永昇
Chen, Yung-Sheng
Yuan-Chin Hsu
關鍵字: 噪音位準;頻率分析;sound level;frequency analysis
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 我國第一條捷運木柵線已於民國八十五年五月開始營運,全長 約10.9公里,並設有12個車站,採中運量捷運系統技術特性,且均為高架 之路線結構,並於木柵動物園旁設有一木柵機廠。 而近年來 由於經濟日益繁榮,人口數不斷成長,以及國民所得提高,使得台北都會 區之社會經濟活動需求增加,相對地也促使運輸需求增加。運輸需求增加 所導致交通方面之影響,也隨著台北市居民追求高生活品質之訴求下,更 加凸顯其影響程度,尤其是交通噪音及空氣污染,儼然已成為台北都會區 環境公害之最。而捷運系統之興建,其較受外界重視之環境負面影響因素 為噪音、振動及都市景觀等項目,其中又以噪音之影響為沿線居民最關切 之事項,因此,捷運木柵線所引起的噪音問題亦愈受到重視。 本研究即為瞭解目前捷運木柵線之噪音問題,包括不同高度之噪音位準變 化,噪音頻率分析,同時建立噪音預測模式,研究列車班次、列車最大音 量與環境小時均能音量之關係,並與環境指標作比較,以提供捷運公司作 為運作之參考。 The Mucha Line of Rapid Transit has been operated since May, 1996. It is the first MRTS (Mass Rapid Transit System) in Taiwan. In recent years, the consciousness of environmental protection has risen increasingly. The problem of noise caused by the Mucha Line of Rapid Transit has become the focus day by day. The paper is to research the problem of noise caused presently by the Mucha Line of Rapid Transit, including the change of noise caused by different height and the analysis of noise frequency. It also establishes a noise prediction model, and makes it compared with the environmental index, to offer the Company of Rapid Transit as a reference in operation.