标题: 电动机车使用特性与购买行为之研究
A Study on The Using Characteristics and Purchasing Behaviors of Electric Motorcycles
作者: 张丞邦
Chang, Cheng-Pang
Tzeng Gwo-Hsiung
关键字: 电动机车;属性门槛值模式;罗吉特模式;叙述性偏好法;Electric Motorcycle;Attribute Thresholds Logit Model;Logit Model;Stated Preference Method
公开日期: 1996
摘要: 近年来国内各大都市因汽机车数量急遽增加,致使空气及噪音污染
。然而电动机车为一崭新之产品, 目前市场上之使用者极为稀少,未来
,本研究藉由访查已有实际骑乘经验之电动机车车主,以确实明瞭其 使
用状况。本研究并以叙述性偏好法(Stated Preference Method)设计问卷
,向一般民众 及电动机车车主进行调查,以作为构建个体选择模式(
Discrete Choice Models)之依据,为了克服传统可补偿性模式(
Compensatory Models)高估效用的情形,将门槛值纳入个体选择模式,并
值模式(Non-linear Attribute Thresholds Logit Models)之预测能力最
佳,且属性门槛值模式(Attribute Thresholds Logit Models)皆优于罗
吉特模式(Logit Models )。
In recent years, the numbers of vehicle in big cities of our
country are increasing, so the air and noise pollution are
getting more and more worse. Therefore the research of low
pollution and noise electric motorcycles is a good method to
ameliorate the pollution in the cities. Electric motorcycles
are an new product, and the users are rare now. If the promotion
is successful in the future, there will be some
unexpected problems in consumer usage and the service which
provided by the manufacturers. We interviewed the owners of
electric motorcycles who have practice using experience to
realize the using situation.We also use Stated Preference Method
to design questionnaires.We investigate common peoples and the
owners of electrics motorcycles to be the basis of Discrete
Choice Models.To overcome the overstated effect of traditional
Compensatory Models,we use the thresholds Discrete Choice
Models to evaluate the thresholds for the decision of consumers
purchase.To be the reference of developing electric motorcycles
promotion strategies.The result indicates the users do not
satisfy with the climbing ability, range, charging time,
dependable remaining electricity indicator, and neitherdo the
convenience of repairing places. The items which should be
repaired more frequently are batteries, chargers, and
controllers. Therefore, to promote electrical motorcycle
successfully, the development of battery performance and the
convenience of repairing places are very important. In the
Discrete Choice Models, the Non-linear Attribute Thresholds
Logit Models has better prediction.And the Attribute Thresholds
Logit Models are better than the Logit Models.