DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHsieh, Chang-Mingen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang Tai-shangen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要提供充足而有效的即時停車資訊將能使得前往路外停車場駐停之 小汽車駕駛人減少許多不必要的尋停時間,也能使都市道路交通得以減少 些許無謂車流。目前提供即時停車資訊所需之各項軟硬體技術已經具備, 政府業已開放頻道交由民間經營無線資訊傳輸業務,因此在主客觀條件均 成熟的狀況下為瞭解如何能順利地引入系統並使其成本與收益能達到平衡 ,故進行即時停車資訊系統引入方式之研究。影響即時停車資訊系統能否 順利引入的因素非常多,在收益面部份有諸如前往路外停車場停車之小汽 車比例、資訊查詢費率、車內電腦普及狀況等;在成本面部份則有即時停 車資訊公司無線資訊傳輸頻道的取得、控制中心與基地台設備等。本研究 依據此些影響因素研擬出系統由民間業者引入時之三種經營方式(自力設 置、成為頻道擁有公司子公司及向資訊傳輸公司洽夠資訊傳輸量等三種方 式),並經由成本收益法及增量分析法加以比較及評估,冀能於系統營運 具市場可行性狀況下尋求最佳的系統引入方式。此三種由民間業者引入系 統的經營方式經成本收益法初步評估後發現其均無法使系統成本與收益達 到平衡,亦即系統經營並不具市場可行性。探究其原因在於前往路外停車 場駐停之小汽車旅次比例過低,因此若欲使系統引入成為可行必須以諸如 由政府對路邊停車採取適切的管理措施,以將小汽車前往路外停車場駐停 比例提高。在此比例提高後,經成本收益分析後證實由民間業者引入之三 種經營方式均可具市場可行性,並由增量分析後自其中評選出以民營停車 資訊傳輸公司在車內電腦為標準配備的狀況之下,成為頻道擁有公司子公 司為最佳的即時停車資訊系統引入方式。 AbstractTo supply enough and efficientlt parking information will make the drivers who park toward the off-street parks reduce unecessaryly parking place searching time and avoid producing extra car-flow in city.The technology in hard and software equipment for offer real-time parking information can be afford by now, and the government had permitted the private sector conducting wireless information transport business by radio channel.Up to these situation we would like to know who and how the system will be inportted and conductted for balance the cost and benefit . So it makes us to reaserch for the meathod for real-time parking information system be inportted. Many factors can affect wheather the system be inportted or not .Such as information fee、the trip rate for drivers park their car in off-street park and the popularization of car-computer in bbenefit part ,and the ownership of radio transport channal、the equipment in information control center and site station in the cost part . According to these important factors,we elaborate three plans for private sectors to conduct the system . The plans are to conduct by private sector themself、to join the company who get the radio transport channal and become their sub-company、to buy information transport right that charged by the quantity of information transportted . By use benefit-cost ratio and increamental analysis to assess these three plans, and hope to find properly assessment one.After assessed these plans , we found that all plans can't balance between cost and revenue , that means all the plans can't be worked . It is resoult to the trip rate for drivers park their car in off-street park isn' t high enough . So if we wish the system can be importted , we have to do something such as let the government to made some management policy toward road-side parking for rise the rate . According to the benefit-cost ratio and increasement analysis , after rise the rate all three plans can be worked , and we can say that the best method for private sectors to import real-time parking information system is that when the car-computer is popular and to join and become the company's sub-company that get the radio transport channal.zh_TW
dc.subjectparking systemen_US
dc.subjectimprot methoden_US
dc.titlereserch of real-time parking information system import methoden_US