Title: 都市商業區行人對步道類型選擇偏好之研究
The Study on Preference toward Types of Sidewalk of Pedestrians in the Urban Business District
Authors: 林上閔
Lin, Shung-Ming
Wu Shoei-Uei
Keywords: 都市商業區;行人;步道類型;選擇偏好;urban business district;pedestrian;types of the sidewalk;preference
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 都市商業區可及性高且土地混合使用的強度大,產業的類型以零售業 、百貨業 、服務業、娛樂場所、飯店與辦公等商業類型為主,隨之應運 而生的休閒娛樂、購物逛街、工作等目的的旅次自然高於其他地區。現今 台灣地區都市交通設計尺度偏重於車輛,輕忽行人良好步行環境的保障, 造成行人不是穿梭於重重障礙的狹窄通道,就是行走於飽嚐車輛壓迫與威 脅感的馬路上,使得在都市商業區中以步行的方式從事休閒娛樂、購物逛 街、上班上學等活動無法成為愉悅的經驗,更甚者將影響到民眾到都市商 業區從事各項活動的意願。本研究目的在於從使用者需求面切入,了解行 人重視的步道屬性及對各步道類型的選擇偏好,提供將來都市商業區更新 、改善或新市鎮商業區建立時行人徒步系統規劃暨設計中使用者需求面的 參考依據,期能給民眾在都市商業區從事上述活動時一個更符合實際需求 的步行環境。 本研究經過兩階段的問卷調查,第一階段以五等分態度量表法萃取受訪行 人重視的步道屬性,第二階段則採取敘述性偏好方法並輔以照片說明屬性 值定義與步道類型方案來陳述步道情境,讓受訪者填答喜好程度與第一第 二偏好,再利用個體需求模式中的多項羅吉特模式與模糊修正模式來校估 選擇模式,以構建都市商業區行人對步道類型選擇偏好模式。 研究結果主要有五點: (1)超過六成的受訪者會因為步行環境的惡劣而影 響其至都市商業區從事購物休閒娛樂的意願,而一個能吸引人的都市商業 區除必須具備多樣可選逛的市場、交通上的高可及性,還需配合有舒適、 良好、充滿樂趣的步行環境。 (2)就步道整體屬性的要求而言,受訪者對 於休閒娛樂旅次普遍高於購物逛街旅次;購物逛街旅次又高於上班上學旅 次。同時,女性受訪者對步道屬性的普遍要求高於男性受訪者;教育程度 高的受訪者對步道屬性普遍的要求亦高於低教育程度。 (3)普遍來說,受 訪者重視的步道屬性依次為治安考量、空氣、噪音汙染、步道實質硬體設 計因素、視覺美感、活動性。 (4)各情況下受訪者最偏好的步道類型普遍 為徒步道,最不偏好的類型為人車共存道。 (5)本研究構建的選擇模式用 來解釋都市商業區行人對步道類型選擇偏好的行為模式效果尚佳,以對女 性及購物逛街旅次的解釋能力較高。而上班上學模式的解釋程度普遍低落 的原因,可能是受訪者缺少以步行方式從事上班上學的經驗。在模糊觀念 下,修正模式的解釋程度會降低,但其結果較符合常人模糊偏好的情形。 The urban business district has high-accessibility and high- intensity mixed land uses which are mainly commercial industries such as retail,de- partment, recreation, hotel.. etc. It can attract more recreation, shopping , community trips than other places. However, the environment for pede- strians is always disregarded because of the urban traffic design emphasizes too much on vehicles. People walk not only among bafflement, but also feel threaten walking in the roads full of cars. Thus, it becomes an unhappy experience to walk in the urban business district. Furthermore, this kind of situation also indirectly declines people's willingness to go to urban business district for all kinds of activities. The purpose of this study is to find out the preferences of pedestrians toward sidewalk attributes and types of sidewalk. This study provides traffic engineers and urban designers with needs of pedestrians in urban business districts at urban renewal. The study was designed as questionnaires containing two stages. First, it uses five-range attitude scale to get the sidewalk attributes which par- ticipants value. Second, it uses Stated Preference method with photos to show the definition of sidewalk and types of sidewalk. Participants were asked to write down their first, second preferences and their degree of likeness to- ward each alternative. We use MNL and Fuzzy concept to develop the partici- pants' utility function of choosing different types of sidew alk for recrea- tion, shopping and community trips. Five results of this study were: (1) Over 60% of the participants will reduce their willingness to go to the urban business district if the environment for pedestrians gets bad. Furthermore, the participants thought that an attractive urban business district should own three elements such as diverse and concentrated shopping markets, high accessibility, and a nice walking environment. (2) As to participants' needs for attributes of different sidewalks, recreation trips were usually valued higher than the shopping trips, and shopping trips were higher than community trips. At the same time, female put more emphasis on the requirement of sidewalk attributes than male participants did; higher educated participants did more than the lower ones. (3) Generally, the attributes that pedestrians take care were listed below in order: public security, air, noise pollution, physical design of sidewalks, satisfactory of vision, activities. (4)Participants' favorite type of sidewalks was pedestrian mall, and the most disliked type was woonerf.(5) Applying to MNL,the rho-square value of the model adopted in this study for explaining shopping trips and the female is good. The reason of low rho- square value of community trips might be due to the lack of participants' walking experiences. Applying to Fuzzy concept, the rho-square value was found going down, but the result was near human's fuzzy preference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis