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dc.contributor.authorShiao, Kao-Chouen_US
dc.contributor.authorChaug-Ing Hsuen_US
dc.description.abstract廠商在市場上之競爭非常注重貨物運送的效率, 故對於航空貨運中 心運送上的便利性,廠商可考慮以空運中心為產品配銷運送或再加工生產 的據點。 本研究以解析性方法來探討廠商以空運中心為配銷或再加工生 產點之課題。 在配銷方面, 就直接運送與由空運中心設立轉運站進行配 銷兩種運送方式之差異加以分析,並構建一般化成本函數來加以比較, 而獲致轉運所需之航線臨界流量,作為判別廠商運送路線選擇之依據, 且探討航線流量、產品運送數量、市場分佈與空運中心之作業績效等相關 因素與臨界流量之關係, 以構建適合轉運之市場範圍,並針對所有經銷 點加以分析及加總,以建立轉運市場規模。 本研究並以包含亞洲主要城 市之門戶機場及廠商之銷售網路的數值範例進行敏感度分析, 研究結果 發現,當產品價值越高, 或市場分佈較近於空運中心者,越適合經由空 運中心來進行配銷或轉運, 而廠商之運送量越大,也將使得轉運站之營 運發生規模經濟效果,降低轉運站之平均營運成本。 至於再加工生產 部份, 則以上述構建的運送成本函數為基礎進一步深入分析。 針對半成 品由空運中心運出者,分析空運中心加入再加工生產後之產品供應方式, 藉由探討產地與空運中心兩地之生產及運送系統來進行總成本模式(包含 生產與運送成本)之構建, 並分析產品價格、生產要素特性與市場分佈 等主要因素, 以獲致不同生產環境差異下之市場範圍區隔,且就經銷點 的地理位置來考量合適之產品供應點,進而探討改變市場範圍分佈之主因 及其影響。 而由敏感度分析的結果發現, 當產品價格越高(即附加價值 越高),越適合在空運中心進行生產,而當空運中心價格要素過高則由產 地生產即可,以避免生產成本的過於浪費。 本研究的結果, 在學術 上可作為探討轉運問題的基礎,用來探討諸如轉運站的設立、轉運與直接 運送之市場區隔等課題, 此外,對於生產區位選擇的研究上,本文亦可 作為二至多個生產地點之選擇與市場區隔分析的參考。 在實務上,本研 究提供廠商選擇航空貨運中心進行配銷或再加工生產時之決策參考, 並 可供國內推動航空城之規劃,做依據參考。 Both air cargo carriers and firms highly value the efficiencyof fright shipping, so they usually plan shipping routes with a lotof attention. An air cargo hub is characterized with a highconcentration of freight flow and a hub-and-spoke network throughwhich many destinations can be easily reached. Therefore, firms maytake advantage of low shipping rate and fast service provided by anair hub and consider to set up their distribution terminals orvalue- added production factories around an air carg o hub. Althoughmuch research has been done on locating distribution terminals andfactories, little work has been done on integrating the problem withthe economic characteristics of an air cargo hub. In response tothis, this research explores factors affecting firms' decisions onrouting their products or producing value-added products via an airhub, and formulates, analyzes and compares relevant costs so as todevelop models on firms' decision making by the theoretical,analytical approach. In this study, we formulate firms' logistics cost functions byicorporating economic characteristics of an air cargo hub such aseconomies of scale, economies of schedule, economies of stage length,and hub operating efficiencies. Trade- offs between increased terminaloperating costs and decreased shipping costs due to shipping thefirms' products via a distribution terminal at an air hub areanalyzed to determine the optimum shipping routes for productsshipped to different geographic markets. Geogr aphic boundary betweentwo types of shipping routes, i. e. direct shipping and transshipmentshipping are derived for firms' markets distributed in variousregions. Then, we formulate a model on the firms' decision onlocating value-added factory around an air hub. The optimum locationis determined by minimizing logistics costs and production costswhich depend on the nature of the firms' production function andinput factor prices varied as the location of the value-added factorychanges. A case study with a firm's freight network covering majorcities in Asia and several gateways in other regions of the world isprovided to demonstrate the application of the model. The results ofthe sensitivity analysis show that it is more suitable to locatefirms' distribution terminals or value-added factory around an aircargo hub if the value of product raises higher. The results of this study not only can be a building block forfuture studies on distribution and production location problems, butcan shed light on issues addressed by locating the distributionterminal or the value- added factory around an cargo hub for bothfirms and government.zh_TW
dc.subjectair cargo huben_US
dc.subjectdistribution terminalen_US
dc.subjectvalue-added production locationen_US
dc.subjectair frieghten_US
dc.titleThe Study on Firms' Decision Making on Locating Distribution Terminals or Value-Added Factories around an Air Cargo Huben_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis