Title: 基因演算法在多目標組合最佳化問題之研究-以旅行推銷員問題為例
Applying Genetic Algorithm to Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization Problem- A Study on Traveling Salesman Probelm
Authors: 王日昌
Wang, Jih-Chang
Tzeng Gwo-Hshiung
Keywords: 基因演算法;多目標決策;組合最佳化問題;旅行推銷員問題;基因交配運算;樣板資料庫;Genetic Algorithm;Multiple Criteria Decision Making;Combinatorial Optimization Problem;Traveling Salesman Problem;Crossover;Template Database
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 多目標決策(Multiple Criteria Decision Making)理論在組合最佳化
問題(Combinatorial Optimization Problem)的應用上,會增加大量的計
算負擔。本研究的目的即在利用基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)的平行
理動態資訊影響的問題。 本研究主要包括三個部份:發展動態權重模式
:(1) 以習慣領域(Habitual Domain)學說為基礎,發展一套動態權重計
算模式;(2) 深入分析基因演算法在路線問題中的關鍵:基因交配運算(
種改善方法;(3) 針對路線問題的基因交配運算,提出雙向最近可用鄰點
的運算方式,並以國內外研究的著名路網驗證其績效;(4) 提出樣板資料
庫的觀念,以提升基因交配運算的品質;(5) 針對路線問題,改良混沌理
論(Chaos Theory)中的空間填充曲線(Space-Filling Curve)法,提出一
套快速的路線初始化方法;(6) 結合雙向最近可用鄰點與樣板資料庫,設
個例題找到最佳解,平均誤差僅有0.03%;(7) 結合動態權重模式與基因
後得到規劃結果的同時,自動計算出決策權重;(8) 將上述多目標基因演
;(9) 於附錄中分析並實際撰寫程式測試組合最佳化與旅行推銷員問題的
The most methods of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
will cause acomputational burden tremendously in applying to the
combinatorial optimization problem. Besides, the most methods of
MCDM ignore the new-coming information and cannot deal the
weight of decision maker dynamically. Using the parallel-
searching, this research develops a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to
overcome theseshortages. There are three primary parts in this
research: developing a dynamic weight assessing method, proving
the effectiveness of GA in the traveling salesman problem (TSP),
developing a method to overcome the shortages above.
Theimportant results are listed in the below.(1) To develop a
weight assessingmethod by Habitual Domain.(2) To analyze the
genetic Crossover operator in TSP,and to classify and implement
23 relative operators, and to propose 3 improving operators.(3)
To develop the "Doubly-Nearest-Available neighborhood" crossover
operator, and to compare its performance with others by 24 well-
knownnetworks.(4) To propose the concept of template database
for improving thequality of crossover.(5) To improve a Space-
Filling Curve of Chaos Theoryas a quick procedure of tour
initialization.(6) To propose a Genetic Algorithm to solve the
TSP by combining Doubly-Nearest-Available neighborhoodand
template database. And, to measure its performance by 35
networks that are from 48 to 657 nodes and are obtained from
TSPLIB. The result is excellent: this method finds 27 exact
solutions in 35 networks with only 0.03%error rate in
average.(7) To combine the weight assessing method and
theparallel-searching of GA, and propose a multiple-objectives
GA. The mainproperties are (a) modifying weight dynamically with
the results in searching process; (b) and reducing to
computational requirement to the levelof single-objective; (c)
and computing the weight directly.(8) To apply theabove method
to the post-office in Taipei, and to demonstrate the detail by a
numeric example.(9) To analyze and write the computer language
ofmethods of combinatorial optimization problem and TSP, and to
review thehundred's reference of them. And to build a homepage
in the Internet forsupplying the source code and relative
inquiry service.
Appears in Collections:Thesis