標題: 射頻電漿表面處理對鋁與聚亞醯胺界面黏著特性研究
A Study of RF Plasma Surface Treatments on AL/PI Interfacial Adhesion Modification
作者: 林孜翰
Lin, Tzu-Han
T.E. Hsieh
關鍵字: 黏著力;電漿;聚亞醯胺;鋁;adhesion;plasma;polyimide;Al
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 中文提要: 本實驗以剝離試驗(Peel Test)與拉離試驗(Pull Test)量 測聚亞醯胺(PI2540、PI2555)在鋁膜上以及鋁及鋁-1.5%矽膜在聚亞醯胺 上之黏著強度,並利用氧氣與氬氣射頻(Radio Frequency,RF)電漿對聚 亞醯胺進行表面處理,探討其對聚亞醯胺與金屬界面黏著強度提升的效應 。 實驗結果 顯示剝離試驗為對黏著強度的量測優於拉離試驗,射頻電漿表面處理提升 黏著強度的能力優於微波電漿表面處理,且氧氣電漿表面處理較氬氣電漿 表面處理對黏 著強度有較大的提升效果。鋁與鋁-矽膜在經6分鐘之氧氣 電漿表面處理的PI2540有最大 之黏著強度,而鋁與鋁-矽薄膜在經3分鐘 氧氣電漿表面處理的PI2555上之黏著強度為最 大。而在相同電漿處理時 間下,鋁與鋁-矽薄膜在PI2540上的黏著強度則大於鋁與鋁-矽 薄膜在 PI2555的黏著強度,其原因之一為PI2540經氧氣電漿處理後,表面的凹凸 起伏程 度較PI2555大,導致機械交互鎖定效應較強,所以黏著強度也大 。 本實驗同時以四種不同的環境試驗測試鋁/ 聚亞醯胺與聚亞醯胺/鋁結構的黏著強度變化。這些試驗顯示聚亞醯胺在 鋁膜上的黏著強度不會因環境溫、溼度的變化而有明顯的改變;至於鋁與 鋁-矽薄膜在聚亞醯胺上的黏著強度則會因水氣的滲透而使黏著強度劣化 。 本實驗亦量測電漿表面處理對鋁-聚亞醯胺-鋁結構的電性影響, 結果顯示對電容值、 品質因子(Quality Factor)與崩潰電壓均無明顯的 影響,但經高溼度環境測試後,電容值增加且崩潰電壓降低。 英文提要: In this work peel test and pull test were employed to measure the adhesion strength of PI-on-Al as well as Al-on-PI interfaces. Argon (Ar) and oxygen (O2) RF plasma surface treatments were also carried out to modify the polymer surfaces and their effects on adhesion enhancement were evaluated. Experimental results indicated, in comparison with pull test, peel test is a more reliable method for adhesion measurement. As to the ability of adhesion enhancement, RF plasma treatment is better than MW plasma treatment and O2 RF plasma treatment is better than Ar RF plasma treatment. Degree of adhesion enhancement was found to depend on the types of polymers used for specimen preparation. For PI2540 underlayer, the adhesion strength of Al overlayer reached to a peak value after 3 min. bombardment of plasma, while for PI2555 underlayer 6 min. bombardment of O2 plasma was required. Under the same plasma treatment, the adhesion strengths of Al-on-PI 2540 were always higher than that of Al-on-PI2555. One possible reasons of this is that the surface of plasma-treated PI 2540 is rougher surface than that of PI2555 which, in turn, provides more sites for mechanical interlocking to raise the interfacial adhesion strength, as revealed by atomic force micropscopy (AFM). The stability of metal-polymer interfacial adhesion strength was also evaluated by four different types of environment tests. The adhesion strength of PI-on-Al structures did not decline in high humidity ambient while deterioration of adhesion strength caused by moisture absorption was observed in Al-on-PI structures. We also studied the effect of plasma treatment on the electrical properties of the Al-PI-Al multilayer structure. The electrical property characterization showed that plasma treatment has very little effect on the capacitance, quality factor and breakdown voltage. However, the capacitance increases and breakdown voltage decreases after the humidity environment test.