Title: 由債券條款之設計探討我國轉換公司債發行對公司股價之影響
Reexamination of the Wealth impacts of Convertible Bond Issues in Taiwan*s Stock Market: from the Perspective of Bond Covenants
Authors: 史弘武
shyy, Horn-wuu
Chih-Young Hung
Keywords: 轉換公司債;債券條款;股價反應;Convertible bonds;Bond covenants;wealth impacts
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本研究由債券條款的角度出發,將轉換公司債加以分類,以此分析轉換公
公司債之股價反應。本研究過程分為兩大部份:(一) 使用本研究所提
兩種。(二) 承接第一部份之結果,分別檢驗債券型與權益型轉換公司
是否有顯著差異。 實證結果發現:(一) 在宣告日兩日累積異常報
效果。(二) 在債券型與權益型股價反應差異方面,得到兩者有顯著差
Recently, the high-tech industries in Taiwan are experiencing
another cycle of rapid growth. To cope with the increased demand
for their products, many high-tech firms are considering
dramatic increase in their capital investment. Accompanied with
the expansion, there is an urgent need for financing. The
investors in Taiwan have gradually accepted the concept of
convertible bonds (CBs). I the literature of capital structure,
there is a great concern on the impacts of financing on the
value of the underlying In this thesis, we propose that the
wealth impacts of convertible bond issues are different for CBs
with different covenants. We classified convertible bonds into
two categories: namely, the "Bond Type" and the "Equity Type".
Market model and event study method are then applied to
investigate the wealth impacts. In total, 37 CBs issued in
Taiwan were examined. The empirical work consists of two parts:
First, we proposed a LCI index (Likelihood of Conversion Index)
to quantify the degree of likelihood The study comes to two
interesting findings. First, on announcement dates, the "Bond
type" CBs show insignificant positive abnormal returns; while
the "Equity type" CBs show insignificant negative effect. The
results seem to suggest that the issuance of convertible bonds
of both type carries no information content to the investors.
Second, there is significant difference between the CARs of the
two types of convertible bonds. The wealth impacts of the "Bond
type" CBs is significantly greater than that of the "Equity
type" of CBs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis