標題: 數位照相機購買行為與市場區隔研究—以新竹地區消費者為例
Purchasing Behaviors and Market Segmentation of Digital Cameras—A Study on Hsinchu Consumers
作者: 林源昌
Lin, Yuan-Chang
虞孝成, 陳光華
Yu Hsiao-Cheng, Chen Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 數位照相機;購買行為;市場區隔;生活型態;消費者;digital camera;purchasing behavior;market segmentation;life style;consumer
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 隨著高科技的進步與普及,高科技產品的行銷的方式必然與傳統產品的行 銷有所不同;以生活型態作為市場區隔化的基礎,可避免過於籠統與抽象 的缺點,因此本研究以消費者生活型態變數作為數位照相機市場區隔化的 基礎。本研究以EBM模式為架構,針對數位照相機進行實證研究,探討一 般化生活型態、數位照相機產品屬性、購買動機、資訊尋求、評估準則、 購買選擇等變數。以問卷方式對新竹地區民眾進行資料收集。資料分析上 ,先以因素分析進行構面縮減,並以集群分析對於一般化生活型態變數進 行市場之區隔化,再以多變量變異數分析、卡方檢定等方法,檢定各項研 究假設。本研究主要實證結果顯示,依據一般化生活型態變數,可將數位 照相機潛在消費者市場區隔成「創新型」、「理性型」、「活動型」、「 衝動型」與「廣告型」等五個市場區隔。而數位照相機之產品屬性可縮減 為「電腦適配性」、「照相機屬性」、「產品外型」、「影像處理屬性」 、「操作性」、「電池屬性」、「品質保證屬性」、「拍攝張數特性」及 「價格」等九項產品屬性。各市場區隔在購買動機、資訊尋求上有顯著差 異;在評估準則之「電腦適配性」、「照相機屬性」、「影像處理屬性」 、「電池屬性」、「品質保證屬性」及「價格」上有顯著差異;在購買選 擇之購買本研究並依據分析的結果,針對各個市場區隔,分別提出產品策 略、價格策略、通路策略及促銷策略之行銷策略建議。 Since technologies have been improving and becoming popular, marketing of Hi-tech products has its uniqueness. And, using consumer life styles as the basis of market segmentation, is believed to be an effective approach.This research employs EBM model as the market segmentation analysis framework and applies to the marketing of the digital camera. The variables considered include general life styles, product characteristics, purchasing motives, access of product information, evaluation criteria and product selections. Data collection was through questionnaire to consumers in Hsinchu area. In the process of data analysis, factor analysis was employed for dimension reduction. Market segmentation was based on cluster analysisThe empirical results of this research reveal that Hsinchu consumers likely to buy digital camera can be categorized five groups: "innovative", "rational", "active", "impulsive" and "advertisement-oriented". The product characteristics of the digital camera can be attributed to "computer-applicable attribute", "camera-like attribute", "product outlook attribute", "image-processing attribute", "operation attribute", "battery attribute", "quality-guarantee attribute", "the difference in the count of the picThis research finally recommends, for each market segment, marketing strategies, including product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy, and promotion strategy