Title: 堆高機傾覆預警裝置細部設計及分析
Detailed Design and Analysis of an Overturn Warning Device for Forklift Truck
Authors: 邱友霖
Chiou, Yeou Lin
Jin-Chern Chiou
Keywords: 堆高機;預警裝置;單晶片;模糊邏輯;folk-lift truck;early warning system;single chip;fuzzy logic
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 近年來,堆高機(fork-lift truck)傾覆意外事件的發生頻率有逐漸增加 並造成人員嚴重傷亡的現象。為了保護勞工安全,勞工委員會勞工安全衛 生研究所於民國八十四起提出了一系列的計畫,來研製一危險預警裝置, 以期減少意外發生。本論文為第三年計畫,除將改良前兩年堆高機之運動 模式,使其更符合實際硬體組裝的需求外,我們更希望能從成本效益的考 量,不採用價格昂貴之加速規,轉而只利用傾斜儀與速度感測計來感測堆 高機之運動狀態,經由單晶片(single chip)以模糊邏輯演算法則來產生 預警之燈號與語音,完成預警裝置的基本設計。本論文將利用一縮小尺寸 之模型車做實驗測試以印證此預警指標的效用,其目標在建立商品化之原 型。 Over recent years, there has been an increase in the number of overturn accidents of fork-lift trucks. In most case, the driver was killed or seriously injured. To protect the operator, the Inst. of occupational Safety and Health has initiated a project of a suitable warning device to prevent these accidents. This thesis is the third year project. The goal of this thesis is to made a model of a fork-lift truck using few parameters. Special attention will be paid in realization of the overturning conditions from both software and hardware point of view. Secondly, a warning device based on the consideration of cost effectiveness will be made with proper sensor signals. These signals are processed through a microprocessor using fuzzy logic to give out warning signals, both in lighting and voice forms. A scaled fork-lift model will be built to verify and improve the capability of the device.
Appears in Collections:Thesis